old blog

random little thing

just wanted to jot down a couple of random funny things mikey said recently…

we did a family movie night a few weeks ago and let allie pick the movie (since mikey picked ‘star wars’ the previous time).  so we all sat down to watch ‘cinderella’ together.  here’s a (blurry) pic of my girl falling in love with princesses even more.

a few days later, mikey came up to me and said, “mommy, NOW i know what a princess is:  it’s a girl who dances with a boy.  that’s SILLY!  when i grow up, i’m not going to dance with allie because i’m going to be a jet fighter plane instead.”

this next one is unrelated, but i still want to remember it.  mikey’s already made a handful of buddies at school and told me earlier this week, “mommy, me and thomas and brandon were playing when a girl came up to us and said she was going to kiss us!”  i said, “so what did you do?”  mikey replied, “we went, ‘ahhhhh!  and ran away because we were pirates.”

that’s my boy. 

ps- THANK YOU ladies for your kind words and encouragement about the website.  your comments really cheered my day!  have a great weekend, friends!

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  • babymomof2

    your family is such a sweet one….i just love how you take great care each one’s need and give them the attention as well………your a great mommy, and really encourages me to be more attentive….with a busy lifestyle, i tend to look over Sammie alot,… i usually don’t give her the attention that she yearns…and do ask too much from her especially, help take care of Gracie….its hard when hubby is gone so often but reading this post and how sweet it is…….i’m gonna try to be more loving and less demanding……you really have the gift of being a mommy……….BTW, Allie seems to have lost weight, especially her famous cheeks…….what a pretty girl she’s going to be………and as for Mikey..PLEASE KEEP HIM INNOCENT AS POSSIBLE….

  • mtsai

    @babymomof2 – i can’t tell you how much your comments are encouraging to me.  your comment today couldn’t have come at a better time as i was having a really hard morning with the kids (my dh is working this weekend yet again) and feeling completely crappy and horrible as a mother.  so even if your kind words aren’t always exactly true of me, they still encourage me to do better the next time things get rough!  so thank you again for taking the time to be so kind to me!  and from what i can see in your blog posts, YOU are an amazing mommy and your girls are soooo blessed to have you loving them! 

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