old blog

another little funny…

grandpa is here to visit over the weekend…  will have pics from our super fun day up soon.  i hope.  but here’s a little tidbit from tonight as i was getting the kids ready for bed.

mikey:  grandpa’s not old.
mommy:  how do you know?
mikey:  because he doesn’t use one of these [held up his arm and curved his fingers to make a cane-shape].
allie:  yeah, because he doesn’t walk like this [hunches over, pretending to walk with a cane].
mikey: those are old people but our grandpa doesn’t walk like that, so he’s not old!

i bet grandpa would’ve been glad to hear the kids’ assessment of him! 

but last night, phil was talking to mikey and their conversation went something like this–

mikey:  someone brought a big white dog to our class but i didn’t pet him b/c i only like molly.
daddy:  who’s molly?
mikey:  the little dog that the old woman walks with on our street.  i pet her all the time and she’s very nice and calm.
daddy:  how can you tell she’s old?
mikey:  because her hair has white and her face is old.
daddy:  is mommy old?  (WHY is he dragging ME in to this, i wonder?!)
mikey:  yes.
mommy:  what?!  you think mommy’s OLD?!

ha ha!    but to mikey’s credit, he soon after recanted his statement because he misheard phil and thought he was still talking about our neighbor lady.  he then corrected himself and said to me, “no, mommy, you’re not old because your hair is black and your face is not old.”

i feel much better.

though i do realize that we need to be talking some more about the words we should use and the words we should NOT use when we talk about people.  which brings to mind one more random funny.  this one was about five months ago, but still cracks me up every time i think about it.

we were all sitting in a cafeteria when a little person walked by our table.  i could see mikey’s eyes grow wide and follow the person as she continued walking.  and i inwardly cringed wondering what he was going to blurt out because i had JUST mentioned to phil how mikey’s been noticing people’s different traits and the matter-of-fact ways he’s been describing them to me and none too quietly (for instance, “the man with the brown face”, or “wow mommy, she has a BIG stomach!  ).  so mikey turns to me and says in awe, “mommy, that person is…  low to the ground!”

ok, so how does one go about teaching tactfulness to a five-year-old boy?

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