old blog

playing catch-up

crazy how fast the days are flying lately.  i’m going to do my darnedest to try and catch-up my poor neglected blog with the past month’s events.  so the weekend just before mikey and allie started school (wow, has it really been a month already?!), we flew up to cupertino in order to attend the wedding of one of phil’s oldest friends.  it was a fun little adventure and the kids were really excited to be flying in an airplane while phil and i were looking forward to not having to make the 7-hour drive this time.  (warning:  there are LOTS of pictures in this entry.)

the adventure begins!  mikey and allie were my seatmates on one side and they did great on the one-hour flight since they had plenty ofsnacks and got to watch cartoons on the little tvs in front of them(they didn’t even mind that there was no sound).  each getting their own package of donuts didn’t hurt, either.

meanwhile, phil and lauren sat in the row across the aisle from us.  don’t let her calm and relaxed posture fool you though– she only stayed like this for about two minutes.

before she got restless and wanted to get on the move.  thankfully, phil had the whole row to himself.  and lauren enjoyed looking out the window.  for another two minutes.

before things began to unravel…

into total pandemonium.  (disclaimer:  no babies or daddies were hurt in the making of this entry).

see?  lauren returned to her usual happy self when she discovered a friendly face in the row behind her.

then she wiped out.  yeah, right!  she laid down for just a moment before she was up and cranky again due to her missed nap.  poor post-call daddy.

thankfully, the flight was soon over (it was only an hour long, remember?) and we got the troops buckled down into the rental car and ready to move out.

the kids’ favorite part of the trip was playing at ah-ma’s (grandma in taiwanese) house with all of phil’s and uncle richard’s old toys.  (phil’s mom is a bit of a pack-rat– i think she still has phil’s crib somewhere in the house!)

allie managed to find the one PINK toy and held on to it all weekend.  here she is making a long-distance call to ah-ma. 

lauren found a few toys to play with, too.

she also learned how to crawl up the stairs while we were there (with her big sister’s help, of course).

but i think her actual favorite thing was having daddy around to cuddle with.

a glimpse of the bride and groom…

the wedding was in the middle of the kids’ normal nap time, so they all promptly fell asleep as soon as we got back in the car.  we drove around for an hour to let them nap while also waiting for the evening reception to start.

guess who popped awake first?  and the first thing she did was steal allie’s blankie.

she’s definitely got a mischievious streak to her.

good thing her big sister was passed out cold.

so she tried it again!

we made our way to the reception.  allie was still tired.

mikey immediately made friends with another little boy seated at our table.  nothing like a video game to bring boys together!  the psp was the other little boy’s, he let mikey have a turn too, but mikey was happy just watching him play.

allie stayed close to mommy for most of the evening.  (she never really sucked on fingers/pacifier as a baby, but she always did this little tongue-suck and still does it when she’s tired).

they provided wedding-themed coloring packets which was right up my girl’s alley.

phil and his bro.

and then, there was dancing!

we promised the kids they could dance too, and they sure had a ball!

cuttin’ a rug.

she mostly just liked twirling.

and twirling some more.

other people tried to dance with her…

but she chose to stick with her favorite.

mikey wanted to dance with lauren.

and then it was time to call it a night!

ps- i just got my new d90 right before this trip and was fiddling around with it during this trip.  still learning to use it which made for the not-great picture quality in this post.

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  • mamajoyjoy

    great pics! i’d go for the plane ride over the 7 hours in a car with 3 kids. the kids are so cute all dressed up. why are weddings always during nap time? love the twirling.

  • hongfamilia

    sounds like a fun trip!  especially loved the airplane pictures of L and daddy wrestling.  haha.  that picture of all three of them sleeping is sooooo CUTE!  it’s kind of cool how you put three car seat right next to each other.  i heard not many cars have that capability.  we have a minivant so even if we had a third, A would probably sit in the third row but i think it’s kinda neat that all three could sit in the same row.  🙂

  • mtsai

    @hongfamilia – the three car seats B-A-R-E-L-Y squeezed in next to each other and they were the cheapo graco/evenflo type seats that tend to be narrower than the britax ones.  it was fun for the kids to all be in one row like that for the weekend.  it was a pontiac suv.  i think maybe american cars are a bit wider?  we also drive a minivan in real life (an odyssey), and so they don’t get to all sit together normally.  we took one of the middle row seats out, so lauren sits by herself (closer to us in case she needs something) in a middle seat, and mikey & allie sit in the third row with a box of books and junk in between them.  then we have a big open space in the middle for groceries, school stuff, and other shtuff.  our car is very messy.  not a high priority on my list to keep it clean.  though i think it bugs phil once in a while, but he’s usually not in the car with us anyway!  but i do have a couple of friends who have the sienna minivan and they’re able to fit three carseats in one row.  but i think it depends on which carseats, too.

  • hongfamilia

    @mtsai – we have the odyssey too!  sometimes we seat both kids on the third row and take out the seats in the middle, so that we have the whole middle part empty, and the kids love it!  for my next car though, i keep telling my husband that i want a suv.  i’m sick of driving a minivan, although they are practical and convenient.  honda pilot can fit three carseats for sure, as well as many american cars.  i know, our car is so messy too… i don’t care bc as soon as i clean it out, it gets messy right away so i just gave up!

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