old blog

la county fair

ok, so back to trying to catch up.  but first, a couple of tsai family funnies…

several months ago, we threw around the idea of renewing our vows, possibly on our tenth anniversary.  well, more like my throwing out the idea, and phil batting it right back.    actually, he’s okay with the idea, but it would be only if i really want to do it.  and i’m not sure if i actually want to anyway.  maybe i’d prefer a nice vacation to somewhere tropical sans kids instead.  but aaaanyway, back to my original story. 

one night last week, phil had flopped backwards onto our bed and was already half-asleep before his head even hit the pillow.  we had just watched the wedding episode of ‘the office’ which led us to the you tube video after that.  with his eyes half closed, he said to me, “maybe we should dance.”  being tired myself, i responded only with, “huh?”  phil repeated himself and i (having forgotten the whole vow renewal idea from months before) said, “what are you talking about?”  so to clarify, phil said, “you know, at our vow rehashing.”


last night, we were finishing up dinner and allie had been excused from the table.  it wasn’t long before she came back in and said, “mommy, i found SOMETHING in the bathroom.”  i sent phil, our resident bug-killer, with her back to the bathroom to inspect (turned out to be a daddy-long-leg spider).  as they were going down the hallway, i overheard phil ask allie, “what are we going to do if we see the spider in the bathroom?”  allie replied very matter-of-factly, “we’re going to kill it.  IN THE EYE.”


alright, on to the main topic of this entry!  back in mid-september, we took the kiddos to the la county fair.  it was the first time for all of us and we were surprised at how BIG the fair was compared to the oc fair we went to two years ago.  we were also pleasantly surprised at how much there was for the kiddos to do and see there too.  we all had such a fun time that we figured we go back one more time before it all ended in early october.  unfortunately, we didn’t get another opportunity to return this year, but we’ll definitely be back next year!  that is, if we’re still in southern california next year…  but that’s another story.

so on with the pics!  (do i even need to say there’s a lot anymore?  well there are, but not as many as some of the previous posts.)


allie was pretty happy about the purple parasol daddy bought for her.

after walking through the merchant booths (guess who’s idea that was?), we found our way into the kids’ building.  LOTS to do there.



playing with sand.

we then saw the dinosaurs.  kinda random and allie was scared, but mikey thought it was great!

and everytime we passed under the ski lift-type ride, mikey asked if we could ride it.  i refused the first few times thinking he didn’t realize just how high it is up there and once he got up there, he’d get scared and want to get off.  but he persisted and so we ended up going not once, but twice!  turns out, both mikey and allie LOVED it up there while i was a bit nervous about getting the three of us on and off that swing without getting run over.  i figure maybe it’s cuz the kids weren’t really aware of any danger, but you can bet i had a pretty firm grip on both of them the whole time!

while up on the ski lift, i saw a giant train town so we went and checked that out next.

then we were off to check out the baby animals!

phil wanted to see the live bee hive.  and the kids scored some honey sticks which they were pretty happy about.

then it was time for pony rides.  in previous years, mikey always turned down the chance to ride a pony, but this year, he totally wanted to do it.  he’s a new man in many ways this year! 

and whatever mikey wants to do, allie wants to do too.  but part of me thought she might change her mind once the pony started moving, but she proved me wrong and loved it, too!


i saw these strange-looking ducks and had to get a picture of them.  the duck apparently thought i was pretty strange-looking, too.

allie’s still big into twirling these days.

we sampled a lot of food at the fair too, from foot-long corndogs to cotton candy to deep-fried candy bars.  but we thought the best deal at the fair was this giant sipper cup.  $7 up front, but $2 refills for the rest of the day.  kept the five of us hydrated on that hot day!

our fair adventure ended up being an all-day event and the kiddos were pretty tired by the end of dinner.  but thankfully, still cheerful for the most part!

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  • lschnell

    Cute, fun, cute!  Love the pre-blog-entry stories too!  “rehashing”…Phil cracks me up.  So, how does this fair measure up to the MN State Fair?  Also, why in the world was Phil interested in the bee hive?  Didn’t he get enough from the one that was hanging in the tree outside your townhouse in MN?

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