old blog

my ballerina girl

i’m on a roll now!

all through the summer, allie’s been asking if she can “have her dancing class”.  i’m not exactly sure where or when she got the idea in her head– maybe from watching zoe on sesame street in her pink tutu?  or from tagging along to a dance class when a friend of ours was babysitting her and took her daughters?

at any rate, allie’s had her heart set on dancing class so i signed her up through our city catalog, bought her some pink leotards and tutus, ballet slippers, and tap shoes.  having never been in dance class myself, i wasn’t quite sure what to expect and just hoped that allie’s actual experience would live up to her expectations.

so her ten-week ‘creative’ ballet and tap class began at the end of september.  it just so happened that phil was post-call that day and so could stay home with mikey and lauren while allie and i slipped out for her first class.

my little shorty girl…  (the parents all had to sit in an area right outside the room, so these pictures were shot through a glass window).

she was kinda unsure that first day and hung back at the barre while the rest of the class gathered together at the front.  well, it was pretty loud in there with all the little girls in their tap shoes…  one girl burst into tears and ran out of the room because of the noise.  but they’ve all gotten used to it by now and allie says tap is her favorite part now.

the class rejoined her at the barre to try out some tapping exercises.

then it was time to change into ballet shoes!

allie finally got enough courage to move away from the back wall and join in with the others.  they all looked so tiny in that big room full of mirrors.

but she decided against the skipping and hopping across the floor that they did next.  so she opted for twirling instead.  (i think this is what she thought the majority of ‘dancing class’ would involve).

eventually she rejoined the girls…

in time for toe-pointing…

and the final good-bye curtsy.

so, she did enjoy her very first dance class and has been enjoying it ever since! 

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  • mamajoyjoy

    oh my gosh. she is too cute. M totally wants to be a ballerina. i’ve watched so many ballet dvds. i want to sign her up but the schedule just doesn’t work for us right now with E.

  • pifamily

    omg, allie looks so darn cute in her whole dance ensemble! πŸ˜‰ kinda’ funny how our little girls inherit the ‘twirling’ genes huh? kelsey does the same thing! i mentioned that i’d love to enroll k in dance classes to jeff and he shot down my idea. πŸ™ he plans on enrolling k in tae-kwon-do instead. i tihnk i’m gonna have a bully in my house!

  • nbrath

    Katelyn would LOVE dance class too.  She is always dressing up at home and dancing around.  Too bad Allie and Katelyn can’t be in the same class…that would be so cute…do you want to move back?

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