old blog

the big reveal

*seemed to have lost momentum from last week…  so close to being almost caught up!  but i gotta interrupt one more time for this entry.*

i decided that allie needed a haircut in a major way and we couldn’t delay it any longer.  she was turning in to rapunzel, or even worse, ‘cousin it’!  here’s how she looked this morning just before i dropped her off at preschool:

the back:

so we went straight to the kids’ haircutting place as soon as i picked her up from school.  i told phil the night before that i was going to have her hair cut like five inches or so.  he seemed doubtful (he loves her long, long hair).  but i firmed up my mind and told the lady to cut it a couple of inches below her shoulders.  she ended up cutting it even shorter than i intended, but i didn’t really mind.  it’s just hair after all and it’ll grow back.  so here’s allie with her fresh new look!  (the big smile was from the pink lollipop they gave her at the salon).

the new back:

and she wanted a shot of the flower in her hair:

and here’s the rest of her hair!

hopefully, phil won’t have a heart attack when he sees how short it is now!  and how does allie like her new look?  well, she said, “mommy, no long hair again, okay?” as soon as we got home and has been prancing and swinging her hair around ever since.  so i’m thinking she likes it! 

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  • mamajoyjoy

    i like the long hair. but she’s cute either way, and that twirling is great. =) i love M’s hair long because i was a baldy until i was 2…i think E has more hair than i did when i was 2, and she’s only 5 months. M keeps saying ‘cut hair’ ever since i donated my hair right before E was born. grrrr.

  • mtsai

    @hongfamilia – aw, thanks!  phil and i also loved her long hair too, but it was getting unmanageable for me and i think uncomfortable for her with it always getting stuck in her armpits and all.  but at the rate her hair grows and the rate i actually get her in to cut it, it’ll be back down to her bottom in no time! 

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