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preschool pumpkin party

good times are here again in the tsai house as phil is in the middle of his two-week vacation.  we’ve definitely been enjoying the time together, and i’m looking forward to posting the pics of our vacation here soon.  but first, i wanted to write about our halloween weekend since that’s what kicked off vacation for all of us.  it all started with the pumpkin party at mikey and allie’s school.

first came the mask parade.  they asked the kids not to dress in costumes since they had made masks/mini costumes in class that they would all wear for the parade.  it turned out to be a good week for allie to be the special helper in her class since she got to be the line leader and walked up front with her teacher (who btw, is ALWAYS put together and looks great even in a t-shirt.  argh.)

allie spotted mikey across the playground.

time for the little pumpkins to start the parade!

mikey’s class were all dragonflies.

lauren had a pretty good seat for parade viewing.

then it was time for the carnival games!  the kids wanted to start with donut eating first.  love how allie’s in the back lending some moral support to mikey.

he got it!

he was pretty pleased with himself.

we managed a quick family pic in between the game-playing.

mikey and his best bud, thomas. 

ping-pong scooping.

my little piggy and lion.  allie really loved that pink piggy mask and kept it on the rest of the morning.

making a cereal necklace.

giving lauren a little love.

one last duck race before it was time to head home!

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  • jiNNie_g

    The teacher looks like she got her hair done for the parade.  

    I love the picture of Mikey giving Lauren a kiss.  She looks like she’s appreciating her big bro’s loving too.

  • mtsai

    @jiNNie_g – that’s the crazy thing– allie’s teacher ALWAYS looks like that, with perfectly done highlighted hair, and she usually wears nicer clothes than the halloween t-shirt on this day.  you totally wouldn’t think she was a preschool teacher if you saw her on the street.  but we just love her because she’s so nice and nurturing- just what allie needed in her preschool teacher.  🙂

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