funny little kids
this morning was the first time mikey’s woken up and told me specifically about a dream he had. previously, he would tell me he had dreams, but not really what they were about. i always wondered what the kids dream about.
so i went in to get the kids up and mikey lifted up his head and sleepily said, “mommy, i had a dream last night!” i asked, “was it a good one?” mikey answered, “yeah, i dreamed that allie and i were outside of our room and we were playing with handy manny toys!” i replied, “that does sound like a good one.” (though i thought it was a little random since he hardly ever watches handy manny and hasn’t watched an episode any time recently.) mikey said with a touch of awe, “i thought it was real,”and looked for a minute like he wanted to go back to sleep and return to his dream.
this next one is unrelated, but i wanted to remember it anyway. just before lunch this afternoon, allie, lauren, and i were hanging out in lauren’s room. i had been tickling allie a little bit when she rolls over, looks up at me and says, “mommy, i’m going to go get a new mommy. one that doesn’t tickle me.” i said, “oh yeah? where are you going to get a new mommy from?” allie replies, “from the new mommy store.” i responded with, “does that mean i don’t have to make you lunch then?” to which allie just hmphed! at me. heh heh. allie’s little self was made for tickling, it would be impossible for me not to!
three nights ago, i was helping mikey get dressed after his shower.
allie came by and asked, “hey, why is mikey sucking on his fingers?”
i said, “because he’s a BABY.”
allie laughed and said, “no he’s not, he’s a big kid.”
i said, “then why are you sucking on your fingers, mikey?”
mikey grinned in between his fingers and replied, “because that’s just how it is.”
and i gotta slip in something about lauren… at 16.5 months, she’s now taking about 3-4 steps before sinking back down to her knees and crawling to wherever she wants to go. or just being carried the rest of the way. that’s why we’ve lately been calling her “lazy lauren”. heh. she says about 6 words– “mama”, “dada”, “hi” (which sounds like “i”), “uh-oh”, “ow”, and “SHOE” (great, another shoe lover like her big sister. WHERE did they get that from??). the girl LOVES shoes and socks and smiles like crazy whenever we put them on her feet. she especially loves wearing allie’s tap shoes and had brought one over to me for me to put on her foot when she first said, “shoe”.
she’ll reach out and pinch my skin, usually on my NECK, and then proclaim “OW” herself after letting go. she’s also tried to snap my collarbone before, saying “ow” herself after each attempt. phil thought that was hilarious.