old blog

getting ready for the big day…

so in between all the illnesses and injuries (lauren managed to cut a chunk out of allie’s thumb this morning with a pair of scissors.  long story.), we’ve been trying to get ready for christmas in our house.  fun little things like decorating the tree, driving around looking at christmas lights with plenty of hot chocolate and popcorn for all, hanging up all the holiday photo cards that have been coming in the mail (one of my favorite parts of the season!), counting down the days with the kids’ chocolate advent boxes and the advent nativity set.  things that do require a bit of planning and stress for me, but it’s been extra fun this year to see mikey and allie get totally excited about it all and remember things from last year and requesting to do them again this year.  fun to see our little family traditions becoming special to them, too.  so while sick kiddos wasn’t quite what i had envisioned as we got ready for christmas this year, we still managed to squeeze in some fun memories anyway.

mikey could hardly wait to get started on the advent boxes again this year.  they haven’t yet noticed that i’ve been using their halloween candy in them…

just happy to have chocolate!


NOT happy with the substitute smartee i gave her.

much better.

not quite the tree-decorating scene i had in mind.  especially the throw-up bowl next to allie…

phil hung up these ornaments first.  all about the priorities, that guy! 

allie hung up a couple ornaments before she wanted to go lie down again.

poor little girl.

mikey was a trooper and took on the job of hanging most of the ornaments this year by himself.


we spread out the job over a couple of days.

i love this little guy.

and daddy and mikey put the star on the top of the tree, as they do every year.

the little one still managed to make us laugh even though she wasn’t feeling well either.  playing peekaboo…


mikey, allie, and i have been trying to do this magnetic nativity scene (one per day til christmas), but lauren thinks it’s her job to come after us and put back all the magnets.  it’s kind of a losing battle.

she dearly loves these little doors.

merry christmas, friends!  hope you all have a great one.

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