old blog

december fun

here are some pics of other fun stuff from this month…

took the kids to disneyland a couple of weeks ago so they could see it all done up for christmas– it was sooo crowded, but we all had a good time anyway.

happily waiting for the midway mania ride. he’s kinda conflicted about
it– on the one hand, he loves all the shooting games, but on the other
hand, he’s still not a big fan of anything in 3D.

my three munchkins.

quick stop to visit with mater and mcqueen.

the kids planned what we’d do next while waiting for daddy to return with…

ice cream cones!

allie decided she liked mint chip better than the strawberry/chocolate cone she initially wanted, so she went ahead and helped herself.

mikey: “HEY!!”

but he decided to share with her anyway.

what happened to the other cone? see below:

waiting in line for ‘it’s a small world’.  (the longest we’ve ever seen the line for this– stretched around and around a building across the way before entering the actual waiting area!)

but it was worth the wait!

cuz they LOVED seeing all of it.

and just as we got off the ride and went to get our stroller, all the lights came on!  ooooohhh…

and here’s what i ended up pulling an all-nighter to make for mikey and
allie to give to their classmates. cake pops! i figured they’d only
take a couple of hours to make so i started them after the kids were in
bed. but i forgot to factor in the time needed to figure out what i was
doing since i’ve never even melted candy melts before and the time
needed for all my newbie mistakes in between each step. sheesh!

and for some crazy reason, i decided to take on two different kinds too!


cute lil santa hats.  they came out kinda jacked up, but at 4:30am, i didn’t much care beyond wanting to get the things finished!

christmas trees. (mikey seems to think i’m going to make pokemon ones for his birthday. i seem to think i’m not.)

all packaged up and ready to go by 6am!  gave me about half an hour to try to sleep before having to get up again.  never did fall asleep anyway though.

next morning, we were able to go see both kids in their christmas
programs. allie’s class recited “who’s coming to our house?”. allie
played the mouse (and did a great job though phil and i thought she
might freeze up once she saw all the parents sitting there staring at


teacher gave them a treat right after their play and allie got hers
open and popped into her mouth within seconds. i think her little buddy
was impressed with her lightning quick speed. you should all know that
when it comes to chocolate, the girl is ALL business.

and then we made it just in time to see mikey and his class doing their
little song. please excuse the kid picking his nose behind mikey. 

and finally, some outtakes from our christmas card photo shoot…
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the boy.
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the girl.
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the baby.
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she’s been generous with the kisses lately.
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one of the rare times she’s sitting and staying put…
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allie’s new shoes. she loves em.

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hope you had a great christmas and best wishes for a wonderful 2010!  from our family to yours…
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