old blog

it’s so hard to say goodbye…

actually, it’s not really a goodbye- it’s more of a relocation.  after five and a half years of blogging on xanga, i’ve decided to start the new year with a new blog:  tsaifam.blogspot.com

it wasn’t an easy decision to make as i’m still super attached to my blog (and blogging friends!) here and have for the most part been happy with the features and options available on this site.  however, my ongoing problems with the photo uploader and the more-than-a-few times the thing wouldn’t upload at all has finally pushed me over the edge and it’s time to move on.

but!  i will continue to pop in here to catch up with your blogs and do hope that you’ll come visit me at the new blog, too!

thanks for all the memories, xanga.  hard to believe i started this blog when mikey (my oldest) was just three months old!

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