old blog


here’s a bit of the conversation phil and i had last night…

me:  what does good skin tone mean?
phil:  uh, not swarthy?
me:  huh?  what’s swarthy mean?
phil:  having bad skin tone.

heh.  that guy has a such a way of clearing stuff right up for me!  šŸ˜›


and a bit of conversation i overheard between the kids as they were watching the rose parade:

mikey:  i like all the parade people, even the pink princesses on the horses.
allie [wearing a pink dress and flowery crown]:  i’m a pink princess, do you like me?
mikey [trying to be diplomatic]:  well…  i like your strings.
allie:  mikey!  they’re not strings, they’re ribbons!

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  • Nancy Pham

    that's a cute conversation between mikey and allie. they remind me so much of my kids…boys don't like to compliment their sisters too much about girlie things, unless it's their baby sister. šŸ™‚

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