old blog

weekend fun.

on saturday, we had opportunity to have lunch with some of phil’s college friends.  it was a great time– really fun to catch up with old friends and meet their little ones.

all of us at buca di beppo: the soon-to-be lees, the rhees, the chois, and the tsais.  🙂

all of us (well, except for me) again outside.

the fellas– phil, thomas, marcelo, and james.
the next day, we headed over to pasadena after church for the post-parade float viewing.  i’ve grown up watching the rose parade every new year’s day and was really excited to be able to see the floats in person.  they certainly didn’t disappoint as they were massive and sooo beautiful.

as mikey said, “hey!  we saw that on tv!”

the ENORMOUS trumpet-player towered over the two-story houses and streetlights nearby.
like i said, the floats were huge and every last inch was covered with flowers and seeds.

lauren had the best seat for float-viewing…
not only did the flowers look beautiful, but they smelled wonderful, too.

the detail was amazing.



phil tsai, following the directions of his motherland.

the sunburst on the back of the float from mexico.

amazing to see so many different varieties of flowers.

fighting through the crowds (and it was CROWDED!).  it helped to have a tank-like stroller to create space around us.  🙂
i think the kids enjoyed seeing the floats too, but their favorite part was being let out of the stroller after we left the crowds and stretch those little legs.
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  • joyceandnorm

    Wow! Those floats are amazing! I wonder how long they take to make. I think it's probably better to see the float than to watch the actual parade since you get to see all those details.

    I love your family profile pic. =p

  • Jenny

    ha ha. i took a lot of the same pictures except yours came out way better of course. it was great hanging out with you today. thanks again for the gift for bethany and for letting me test out the beco on lauren. 🙂

  • kavedissian

    i've always wondered if they smelled as good as i think they should. i hate being a hour different, i would always wake up in time to watch the pre-show stuff and having no commercials. But this year tons of commercials and i missed half of it.

  • KellyY

    So beautiful . . . . and I've never thought about the fragrance of the flowers. Now you make me wish I can be there at the Rose parade. 🙂 Maybe next time we can make it a photography trip for the ladies. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Wendy Lee- i totally missed the first installment of the Tsai Family Adventures. You are superwoman Michelle. When do you find time to accomplished all this? I feel like I barely make it through the day with these kiddies. Awesome pictures to boot… loved reading (and admiring) your webpage.
    January 6, 2010 at 1:39pm

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