old blog

all grown up!

seems like it happened overnight (or is it just me?) but lauren’s decided that she’s a big girl now and has left her baby days behind.  : (

she’s now a lean, mean, walkin’ machine, full of her own opinions and independence.  she smiles proudly and nods when i ask if she’s a big girl.  and she will let you know LOUDLY if she thinks you’re treating her like a baby or otherwise withholding something from her that the big kids (her older brother and sister) are getting.

and here are the pictures that prove my point:

no longer will she accept bites off our food, she now requires her own separate sandwich.  here she is munching on a breakfast jack.
going to town on her very own peach
(none of us were too interested in sharing it after she got through with it).
no more sitting on laps for this girl.
poor allie, she really wanted a picture with her little sister.  lauren wasn’t having it.
 she’s happy to sit by herself and do her own thing.

just plop her down on a corner of curb with her own plate of snacks and she’s a happy girl. 
she’s also big on doing whatever her big sister is doing– like playing dress-up…

wearing every single piece of princess jewelry…

and wearing allie’s tap shoes.
though she’s not above getting help from her big brother every now and then.  🙂
so what is the return policy on this again?  (juuust kidding!)

naw, we’d better keep her cuz we love this girl to pieces!

and cuz she does stuff like this.
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  • kavedissian

    LOOOOOOOOOVE Baby Lauren(er, sorry Big Girl Lauren) too, i'll gladly take her off your hands, Hee hee. That is totally my girl eating Jack in the box. I could totally go for a Sourdough Jack now.

  • stella

    That breakfast jack picture is awesome. She is a smart one for sure. Who wants little bites when you can eat it like that?

  • Jenny

    i know it's hard to see them grow up so fast but i say count it as a blessing too. it's great that she is so independent. maybe this just means you're ready for another one! 🙂
    btw – my fave pic is of her chomping away at that peach.

  • joyceandnorm

    You can ship her over here for a bit. I'd love to play with her. =p They really do grow up so fast. You have to cherish every single moment, even the not so great ones. We only have them for so long. I sometimes forget that Melody is a little girl because she talks a lot and has so much to say. Love that last photo.

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