old blog

dinosaurs to tinkerbell.

so last thursday morning, phil texts me to let me know he was on the way home (a post-call day).  then he asks, “wanna do anything today?”.  i did a double-take.  this is usually unheard of for post-call phil who normally comes home and promptly falls asleep as soon as his head is somewhat reclined.  more than once, i’ve peeked out the window only to see him fast asleep in his car in our driveway.  he doesn’t even make it in the house on those particularly busy and tiring nights.  normally, he gets somewhere between 30 minutes to two hours’ of sleep during a 24-hour call shift and it normally means he needs to get some sleep while the kids and i go about our usual business during the day.
on this particular day, he still only got about two hours’ sleep but somehow felt energized enough to want to go out and do something with the family.  after repeatedly making sure he really was feeling okay and didn’t want to sleep first before going out, we decided to head over to the la museum of natural history.  this was with the intention of going to the fake kogi truck for lunch afterward.  unfortunately, we never did find the truck that day (and i’m still craving me some kimchi tacos), but still had a good time together anyway.
this one’s a little random, but this is the face lauren makes when we ask her to pray.
she scrunches up her face and says, “de dah” (“dear God”).  i wanted a picture
of her doing it, so i asked her to pray on our way to the museum.
ok, so there’s not really that many dinosaur bones in the museum,
but this display right in the center is pretty impressive!
phil recently told me that he had always liked dioramas when he was a kid.
found something about them fascinating.  so this picture’s for you, honey!  πŸ™‚
this is how we roll these days.
this is mikey trying to hear the ocean in this shell.
that giant, ugly bug in the background totally grosses me out.  but i still wanted it
in the picture because i find something about this combination kinda funny.
this is what lauren was so fascinated by in the aquarium.
this one cracks me up.  people were actually staring at us
because i was laughing so hard while taking this picture.
then the little one wanted to try on a hat too. 
which had me laughing all over again.
this is me making sure she doesn’t topple over.
and this is a giant triceratops skull.
after a quick, non-kogi truck lunch, we headed home and everyone took a nap.  because we had another surprise outing in store for that evening…
disney on ice’s worlds of fantasy!
mikey loved when all the cars came out.  unfortunately, there were
too many people in front of us to get a good shot of them.
then ariel came out and i think allie actually screamed with excitement when she saw her.
she was transfixed.  he was trying to stay awake.
mikey wasn’t quite sold on all the princessy business,
and kept wondering if the cars would come back out.
the grand finale.
big thanks to phil for sacrificing sleep in order for us to have another great family day together.  we love you, daddy!  πŸ™‚
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