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baby joy turns one!

two saturdays ago, we had the privilege of going to celebrate my niece joy’s first birthday!  baby joy and her family have been through a lot this past year, including three major surgeries, being in and out of the hospital, and dealing with feeding and reflux issues.  so making it to this milestone first birthday was definitely a big deal.  and hearing my brother and joanna share about how their trust and faith in the Lord has grown as they’ve seen His faithfulness to them as He led them through each hurdle.  and about how much joy herself has taught them about being thankful and joyful in all circumstances.  and especially hearing my brother say that he’s thankful that God knew they needed joy in their life more than she needed them.  baby joy got exactly the perfect name for her as she’s brought so much joy to everyone she meets.

it was definitely an emotional moment to realize all they’ve been through and yet come through to this point with more love for one another than ever before.  God is good indeed.

it was also very cool to see so many of their friends and family gather around them to celebrate this special day with them.

i only took a few pictures at the party (for once!) since i went alone with the kids as phil was on call.  then allie ended up falling off of a chair and breaking her fall with her face.  the camera was put away for good after that.

perfect party balloons…
the grandparents with all their grandgirls.  🙂
baby joy started off wearing a red chinese dress, then switched into a korean hanbok midway through.
here she is chillin’ while everyone sang “happy birthday” to her.
group shot.
mikey taking a little break with his trusty old bear.
little kids and balloons go together like peanut butter and jelly.
this girl had a steady supply of almond joys coming to her, thanks to the grandparents.
happy, happy first birthday, sweet baby joy!  we are so glad you are part of our family and hope this next year is full of blessings for you.  we looooove you! 
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