old blog

just because…

this picture makes me smile.  i didn’t post it before (it was taken this past summer) because the background behind lauren is so messy and cluttered.  but i’m posting it now because like i said, it makes me smile.  and it reminds me that for this season of my life, having a perfectly clean house is not the goal and that someday, i actually may be able to have a perfectly clean home with everything just where i want it…  when no one else is living in it with me.  and so today, i have to remind myself (again) that the messy house with toys scattered all over is a very good thing because it means all my loved ones are home with me.  which also means, i get treated to big ol’ cheesy grins like this to help distract me from getting upset over the clutter behind her.  just needed a little cheering up today because i lost patience (once again) with the kiddos because of the toys scattered all over the messy house.  again.

i’m trying to remember to spend little moments with each of the kids every day.  because even though i’m home with them all day everyday (except for preschool), sometimes it feels like i don’t really spend time being with them-listening to them-playing with them, because i’m too busy doing laundry, washing dishes, making them food, cleaning up after them, changing diapers, and on and on.  it’s hard to find the balance in there because as much as i’d like to be carefree and play with them all day, the work at home also continuously needs to be done to keep us all running smoothly- fed and dressed and somewhat clean, namely.

anyway, just some random thoughts running through my head today.  trying to learn to do it all better tomorrow.  thank you Lord, for giving us fresh new starts every morning.  and for sweet, forgiving children.

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  • Jenny

    that picture makes me smile too! so much so that i hadn't even noticed what was behind her until you mentioned it. and i agree with you – yes, i'd like my house to be clean 24/7 but i also like it when a house looks lived in if you know what i mean. i think you're doing a great job michelle!!!

  • joyceandnorm

    I just had one of those days too. I know exactly what you're talking about. We're there with them, but we're not. And I was just so grumpy today because Norm had to work to upgrade the systems when no one was on their network. So there goes half of our family day. He gets a comp day but it's not the same plus the comp day that he's taking is when we take the girls for their checkup and he has church staff meeting. Anyhow, I know your hubby is away a lot for work too, so hang in there! Yes, one day we will get that less-messy home, but for now the messiness is the reminder that we are blessed with abundance to afford toys and have kids that make the messes.

  • kavedissian

    i totally get what you are saying…the face is worth the shot, and i have certain pictures too that i love the shot of the kiddos but the house in the background is totally not what i want my fam and friends to see. And if you think that was a mess…watch "Hoarders" and A&E

  • Janet

    i can totally relate. sometimes, there is just so much on my 'to do' list that i don't get to spend any quality time with my kids, even though they are with me all day! what a sweet picture of L. she has such a cute smile! i love how her nose wrinkles up.

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