old blog

these are the days…

i want to remember for the rest of my life.  even though we’ve had a crazy week including everything from flooding in our first floor/garage (from the rain we got over the weekend and the sopping wet carpet is STILL sitting there– ah the joys of renting.  but that’s another story), my finally catching the cold the kids had for the last few weeks and am currently about to lose a lung from my lovely hacking cough that has kept me up for the last two nights, phil having a couple of job interviews which kind of raises our hopes of staying in the area, lauren booking a job that lasted two days (another story for another day), and well, here i sit just wanting to remember the little moments that happened in between all the big stuff.
like this afternoon when mikey and i sat together decorating a plastic shoebox while the girls were down for naps.  the shoebox was actually supposed to be sent to school undecorated on monday, because the kids were going to be decorating them together in class that day for their valentine party on wednesday.  but because of all the big stuff happening lately, i totally forgot about it.  so i felt like the worst mom ever when the teacher asked if mikey had a box with him that morning.  and i couldn’t go out and just get one to bring him right then because of lauren’s thing that i was already running late for.  and i felt even worse after school when i asked mikey what he did while all the other kids were decorating their boxes and he replied, “i just played on the carpet by myself.”  ouch.

so today, i went out (in the rain, even!) to get that darn box and stuff to decorate it with since there wasn’t any way this mama was gonna let her boy go to school with a plain ol’ box when all the other kids had boxes all fancied up.  mikey was fine with my plan when i told him we’d do it at home together.  his only concern was that the other kids had hearts on their boxes.  no need to worry about that dear boy, cuz i had the heart thing covered!

so here’s the valentine box mikey and i made together.
but even better than just cutting out hearts and sticking them all over the box was all the talking he and i got to do just by ourselves.  now if you know mikey at all, you know he’s a TALKER and no two ways about it.  he will tell you exactly what’s on his mind, whether you want to know or not!  : p  and sadly, it’s not often that i get to give him my undivided attention and really listen to him.  (another thing i’m trying to do more of these days).  so it was just really nice to sit together and talk, just him and i, while we did this little project together (made possible because of his delinquent mom).  he informed me that he doesn’t really like spiderman anymore but he still likes star wars and transformers.  good thing cuz i bought him little star wars stickers to stick in between all the hearts.  then he said, “mommy, C3PO talks a lot to R2D2, doesn’t he.”  i smiled and agreed that yes indeed, he does talk a lot to R2D2.  then mikey continues, “C3PO does talk a lot to R2D2.  kind of like how i talk a lot to you.”  surprised, i said, “what makes you say that, mikey?”  he replies, “i don’t know.  it was just something i was thinking about.”  so i hugged him and said, “but i like it when you talk to me.”  he smiled and seemed to know that.  which made me happy.
wow, i didn’t even mean to talk about this little story and actually had a totally different entry in mind.  but that one will have to wait since now the kiddos are up and clamoring and dinner needs to be made and life calls.
(ps- this one’s for you esther, and your sweet request for more entries!)
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  • Esther

    yay! thanks, Michelle. πŸ™‚

    Mikey has always been pretty articulate, what a smarty pants.

    oooh, what was lauren's job? tell us that story – when you have a chance.

  • joyceandnorm

    I'm glad you two got to spend that time together. And trust me, you are nowhere near being the worst mom. Your kids are too sweet. Hope to hear good news about Phil's interviews. Looking forward to more entries. =p

  • Dominique

    Wow…that made me all teary-eyed. Thank you for sharing. God bless you with many more of these moments. πŸ™‚ It's truly these moments that count!

  • kavedissian

    What a great mommy/son moment. He and Ian would totally get along, Spiderman, Star Wars and Transformers are all the rage here…I think every drawing or lego creation is some star wars or transformer thingy. What an awesome mom you are, going out in the stormy weather to get the stuff.

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