old blog

that girl.

allie:  daddy, there’s a new girl in my sunflowers class!
daddy:  oh yeah?  what’s her name?
allie:  lexi.
daddy:  lexi?  hmm…  is she hispanic?
allie:  no daddy!  she’s a SUNFLOWER!


she slays me.  🙂

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One Comment

  • Dominique

    That cracks me up!
    Jonathan has been telling me about the new girl in his class, too. Except he couldn't remember her name so finally I had to ask the teacher. It is adorable to see how excited they get over a new classmate..isn't it? btw, i TOTALLY got the wrong date for the Valentine's party…i felt so horrible!! For some reason I kept thinking it would be on friday and it just didn't click that friday was a day off. sigh…i guess if i remember 1/2 the parties i'll just call that a success.

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