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special visitor.

last month, mikey had a special guest visit his classroom…

none other than dr. phil!
phil was game to visit mikey’s class on one of his days off and even spent some time 
preparing some notes of what he’d talk about.  i thought that was so cute.  he also went 
and bought some band-aids for the kiddos– transformers for the boys and princesses 
for the girls (cuz you know the mom rule about no band-aid unless there’s blood).  we 
figured the kids would like sticking them on each other without having to shed blood first.
miss tanya introducing mikey’s daddy to the class.
dr. phil trying to have an educational moment.
phil had the kids throw out ideas of what he wears at work, then he 
put the item on when it was something he actually does wear.
then it was time for the kids to be doctors, too!  
the kids thought the stethoscopes were especially cool.
these two girls were so cute! note the princess bandaid on her wrist.
coincidentally, it was also mikey’s turn to be “VIP” for his class.  he got to be line leader,
bell ringer, calendar helper, pledge leader, and all that good stuff.  he (read: his mom)
was asked to decorate a poster with pictures and stuff he likes.  and there it is next to
the class calendar.
closer shot of his poster.  ๐Ÿ™‚
he (read: his mom) was also asked to bring in a snack during the week for the class
that started with the letter of the week:  p.  so we brought popcorn balls!  unfortunately,
mikey got sick that week and wasn’t able to go to school the day we dropped them 
off.  but we saved a couple so he and allie could eat theirs at home. 
all in all, a pretty good week (in spite of being sick) in the life of mikey tsai.  ๐Ÿ™‚
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  • Jenny

    what a very special day for mikey. good thing phil has one of those careers that kids would consider cool. can you imagine if sam went in for career day? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • joyceandnorm

    I love Phil's notes!! It looks like the kids had a great time with Dr. Phil and learning about being a doctor. *raises hand* "What kind of doctor are you Dr. Phil?" Care to share a popcorn ball recipe? =) Happy Valentine's Day!

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