old blog

happy day o’ love!

man, watching olympics is so addicting.  i meant to get this post up earlier this week, but here we are at the week’s end already!  aw well…

one thing i really appreciate about phil is that he’s never dismissed valentine’s day as a fake holiday but rather used the day as an opportunity to do something sweet for me.  this year was no different as he informed me in the morning that he would be making dinner for us that evening.  he even inquired about which “seating time” i preferred– giving me the choice between 4pm and 9:30pm (arranged around when the kids are asleep).  i chose the latter.

but first, we got to spend the day with the kiddos doing little valentine-y things together.

phil had this for me in the morning.  he said he got me “dr. love”.  : p
and this was for phil from me.  the inside of the card read, 
“as long as i’m with you, i’m right where i want to be.”  aww…
especially fitting this year as we wait and see where phil gets a job.
inside the box…
i wrote one thing on each heart and laid them over the chocolates.
and as tempting as it was, i didn’t eat a single chocolate while i was putting it together.
can’t say the same now as i’ve been sneaking into the box all week!
and we couldn’t forget a little something for the kiddos.  this was for mikey.
and for allie (and lauren).
i also picked this up to make with the kids after breakfast
(nice and ghetto, just how i like it!).

ghetto or not, the kids had a good time putting m&ms and the funfetti on top.
 and this one?  she was a happy girl once the brownies were ready to eat!
that night, we got the kiddos in bed by 9pm and phil made good on his promise to make
dinner.  we started off with white bean and basil hummus served with pita chips
and sourdough bread (toasted, even!) with butter.  and wine.  just kidding!  we
don’t like the taste of wine, so phil poured us blueberry juice instead.  the
wineglasses were a nice touch, though.
enjoying my yummy chopped salad.
then came bacon-wrapped scallops and ham-somethings in puff pastry 
(i’m a sucker for anything in puff pastry).
then came the main course (though i was pretty stuffed at this point!).
wagyu beef, buttered brown rice (cuz it’s healthy), corn, and a little mint jelly.
and some salmon sashimi, too!
cheers, honey!
we watched iron chef: duff vs. simon while we feasted.
and for dessert: blueberry-peach panna cotta.
thanks honey for the delicious meal and for always ‘cooking up’ new ways to make me feel special.  love you!
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