old blog

this one.

loves giving hugs.
and kisses.
enjoys watching elmo’s world while wearing a pink princess dress.
loves doing things for herself.
and gets pretty frustrated when she can’t.
(sorry for the blurry pic, i was laughing when i took this).

has a pretty loud howl.
and can turn on the water works at the drop of a hat.
but gets over it pretty quickly.  especially when stickers are involved.
also loves hamming it up.
but will definitely let you know when picture time is over.
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  • joyceandnorm

    too cute! so bad, but i totally laugh when the kiddos cry like that too…not if they're hurt of course. we have that piggy bank too. i showed melody the pic with L and the sticker on her nose and melody said 'orange' haha hugs and kisses to your sweet girl.

  • Janet

    wow, check out those tears! i love how little ones wear all their emotions on their sleeves. every one of her expressions is so cute and adorable.

  • Anonymous

    Minna Nah- Haha, SOO cute!
    February 24, 2010 at 11:47am

    Brooke Fermin- Love her! Please can I have her? PLEASE? 🙂
    February 24, 2010 at 12:11pm

    Michelle Tsai- brooke, i'm *this close* to saying yes! ha ha.
    February 24, 2010 at 2:36pm

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