old blog

mr. marshmellow

so marcelo flew out to attend the wedding and was also able to join us for church and lunch the following day.  it was definitely nice to get a little extra time to catch up with our good friend.  our kids also enjoyed hanging out with ‘mr. marcelo’ too, though allie had a bit of trouble saying his name and initially was calling him ‘mr. marshmellow’.  i’m pretty sure marcelo wasn’t too keen on the nickname, but it only made my kids like him more since they thought he was named after one of their favorite foods.  πŸ™‚

just like old times.  celloooo!
lauren especially took a liking to mr. marcelo.
kept hugging him around his neck.
silly little girl.
after lunch, we had to part ways as marcelo had to get going.
we took the kiddos home for naps.  but i wanted a quick pic of the monkeys first.
sisters.  πŸ™‚
thanks to cello for making the drive down to hang with us.  it was great seeing you again and hope we’ll get to do it again soon!
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