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the essentials.

this past saturday, i was able to attend tim park’s photography workshop and had a great time there.  very unusual for me to have two saturdays in a row without kiddos in tow (ha ha, i made a rhyme!).  but it was really fun and refreshing to be able to focus on something i really enjoy. 

yay, me, i actually made it on time to class
(even with having to drop off the kids beforehand)!
and sitting right up front, like the nerd i am.  🙂
phil had gone out the night before to buy me a notebook to take notes.
i love that he got me an old school composition book.  and that he
wrote my name on the cover for me, too.
here’s tim dancing a jig for us.  just kidding.  i think he 
just really loves talking about photography.  some people.
i want to be like tim when i grow up.  🙂
thanks to tim for putting on a great workshop.  i learned a lot, got inspired, want yet another lens (phil isn’t thrilled with how this always seems to happen), and can’t wait til the next one!
and a couple pictures from my real life…
kicking back with the girls.
mikey wanted a picture of his latest lego creation.
like the kids’ pictures in his lego magazine.
i love this kid.
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  • Jenny

    ha ha! every time we get the lego magazine, austin always asks if i can take a picture of him with his lego creation so we can send it in. i confess, i have yet to do it. bad mommy!

  • kavedissian

    we do the whole lego creation shot thing too, but i was mistaken with what is on the website (no faces allowed) and what is in the magazine. Poor kid keeps looking for his. Love our boys and legos (except for them always being on the floor)

  • joyceandnorm

    looks like a very animated workshop. =) lauren's hair is getting long. as a kid, we loved to build all sorts of things with legos. melody loves building with the megablocks and duplos right now. kids are so creative too.

  • Esther

    first: yay, so glad you had a good time at the workshop! i love your pictures. second: phil is too cute with his little acts of sweetness to you. what a thoughtful guy. third: lauren is SO big! she's like a full-on little girl now, you can see it in her face!! (sorry if that makes you sad)

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