old blog

dad’s day.

oop, i totally forgot about posting about this back when it happened, but figured better late than never.  so…  back at the end of january, the grandparents drove down for a short visit.  the main purpose was for grandpa to be able to attend “dad’s day” at the kids’ preschool.  being that both mikey and allie go to the same school and so had this same event happening in their classrooms and since phil wouldn’t really be able to give his full attention to either kid if he had to split his time between them, i asked my dad if he could come.  much to the kids’ delight, both grandpa and grandma made the long drive over to see them.  my brother’s family was also able to come over and have dinner with us the night before.

the whole gang.
this is me taking a picture of mikey taking a picture of the family.
the next morning, mikey, phil, allie, and grandpa
headed over for dad’s day at their preschool.
allie was super excited to show grandpa
her “beautiful classroom” (her words).
and mikey showed daddy around his classroom.
apparently they made a very large tie together.
and then mikey made a “five-gunner ship” to show daddy.
according to his teacher, mikey builds this exact ship every chance he gets.
afterward, all the preschoolers and dads (and grandpas) got to have lunch together before coming back home.  it really wasn’t that big of a deal, but i know the kids enjoyed the time spent with dad and grandpa and it meant a lot to all of us that grandma and grandpa were willing to make the long drive over just for this small thing.  just before they left, my dad said he was really glad he came because it seemed like it was important to allie and so he was happy he could be there for her.  i was really glad he came too.  šŸ™‚
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