old blog


the kids and i were talking this morning about allie’s upcoming birthday party when this little gem took place…

mikey:  allie, guess what i’m getting you for your birthday?
allie:  what?
mikey:  a pink barbie with a pink car!
allie:  yahoo!
mikey:  allie, what are you getting me for my birthday?
allie:  race cars!
mikey:  ooh, you mean the hot wheels with the racetrack?
allie:  yeah, and a spoiler!
mikey:  yeah!
allie:  spoiler race cars!
mikey:  guess what else i’m gonna give you?  a pink barbie house, too!
allie:  oh my heavens, how can i carry all that?

yep, it appears that birthday season is upon us tsais once again!

and one more bit from mikey just now– “mommy, did you hear me and allie’s words just now and did you order them on the computer?”

btw, big bear pictures coming soon…

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