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going to the snow, part two.

so here are pics from our second day in the snow…

again with this snowsuit?  really?
this time, we busted out the sand snow toys and the kids loved it!
this made all the difference from the first day!
want a snow cake?
there was a snowball fight.
which first required sculpting the perfect snowball…
which then landed smack on his baby sister.  she cried.
and mikey’s gotta learn that when you throw ’em…

they get thrown back at you, too.

mikey wasn’t a big fan of this cause/effect relationship.

but that didn’t deter mikey for long.
here’s phil trying to shield his baby.

somehow, it didn’t work and lauren got blasted again.
she cried again.

uncle johnny decided it was time to build a snowman.

a snowman large enough to require two daddies to build it.

a snowman which quickly became a family project.

a life-size snowman the likes of which has never been seen before!

ok, maybe i’m exaggerating just a tad.
but the snowman was just my size!  🙂

there was also more sledding.

and where there’s sledding, there’s also wiping out.
but look how cool joanna looks even while wiping out.
how come i can’t look that cool even when i’m not wiping out?

we upped the ante with sled races in snow day two.

team double j with the early lead…

but oh no, they’re going off course!

a near-miss!

now what’s this?  team dad ‘n boy are going off their course, too!

can team dad ‘n boy straighten themselves
out and continue with the race?  what a nail-biter!

they do!  they do!  team double j get blocked by a tree
in their path while team dad ‘n boy pull ahead for a
come-from-behind win!  what a race!

to the victor goes a giant snowball.

aw, but look how cute team double j are…

the aftermath of the crazy race we’ve just witnessed.

ok, so while johnny and joanna like to be on the same team,
phil and i are all about competing against each other.
and don’t think he goes easy on me to let me win, either.
just look at his face.  he’s out for blood.
what?  you think he’s just smiling and humoring me?
no way man, that’s his game face.
it’s ON.

YEAH BABY!!  taste it!!
uh, i mean, i love you honey!  🙂

ok, perhaps i better stick with sledding with my baby.

what, don’t i look like i love being dragged up the hill
and then sledding down with my crazy, screaming mom?

cuz i do.  i totally do.

one last family slide down the hill.
and i’m not even gonna mention how team mom ‘n boy
pulled ahead in this one either.  or even note how amazingly 
fast and accurate i am while sledding.
nope, not going there.
heh heh.
uh actually, he’s probably more concerned with keeping 
our babies unharmed and intact on his sled.  
cuz he’s a good dad like that.
babies before competition.  i need to remember that.  : p
attempt at a kid pic early in the day.  (aka knowing when to throw in the towel = golden.)

yay, group pic!  ok, almost everyone’s happy…

thanks for wading through all the pictures again!  one last installment coming soon…

(btw, thanks jami for reminding me to update allie’s age in the sidebar!  i wouldn’t have noticed it otherwise!)
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