old blog

going to the snow, part three.

ok, so we did other stuff besides act like fools in the snow.  let’s see…

there was a late-night rummikube tourney.
there was phil’s usual face-making whenever i tried to take his picture.
there was my brother, trying to follow in phil’s footsteps.
(he has yet to learn that if you make a face at me, it’s 
going on my blog.  it’s the law of michelle).
but he’s still a newbie and couldn’t hold the face for long
before cracking himself up.  and thereby making for a nice
picture.  (nice smiles also get posted on my blog.  it’s the 
second law of michelle.)
there was also this impossibly adorable face to look at.
our friends, sam and jenny drove up for the day on saturday 
and we got to meet their precious baby girl for the first time.
seriously, baby b. couldn’t have been any sweeter or
friendlier.  just look at her delightfully squeezey cheekies!
there was also the inspecting of baby toes.
by the baby herself.
huh?  where was i?  sorry, got sucked into the cute baby zone.
ok, so there was also steak night.  my brother makes some
crazy deelishush steak.
applying his secret blend of herbs and spices…
actually, i think this was seasoned salt.
there was also this cuteness going on…
there was the unauthorized use of baby joy’s bouncy seat by this little monkey.
note how she’s stolen mikey’s bear, too.
there was plenty of jumping on beds.
(vacation houses are good for that sort of thing).
there was a father-daughter moment…
and a second fathers-with-daughters moment.
except i think the daughters found other things to look at besides the camera.
there was my brother standing on a snowbank 
in the back patio waiting for the grill to heat up.
there was the grill master getting to work.  still on the snowbank.
 there were small boys playing ds.  (is that called a ds?)
there was this betrayal of the highest order.  seriously, she refused to come to ME.
the one who gave birth to her and kept her alive for one and a half years.  but whatever.
there was the gathering ’round to watch daddy play some video game or other.
there was lots and lots of eating.  mmm, meat.
embarrassingly, i ate this entire steak!
i seriously think i gained ten pounds from this weekend alone.
there was the chivalrous cutting of meat for his wife while his baby intently watched.
there was the slipping of peas to the baby who i think actually wanted some of the steak.
there was also movie and popcorn night.
and there you have it- the short story long of our big bear trip.
thanks for visiting!  see you next year!
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  • joyceandnorm

    Thanks for sharing your adventures with us! Can we be part of your family? Looked like a fun fun trip! And that pic of the kids with Phil. Priceless….that's one way to keep them entertained. And that steak, let me wipe the drool of the screen…

  • Jenny

    your posts are always so entertaining! πŸ™‚ looking at the pictures makes me wish we had stayed longer but even in the short time we were there, we all had so much fun. thanks again for such a wonderful time. and those steaks… yum yum but nothing beats that nutella on toast! πŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    there's nothing better than getting cozy with family in a cabin with hot coco and good food after a long day in the snow. looks like it was a great weekend! janet.

  • kavedissian

    Your brother and his grilling steaks…i have seen more than one post about this, seriously, michelle, i would have eaten the whole steak too and wouldn't think twice. Everything tastes better when you are on vacay

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