old blog

chain reaction.

we were all pretty wiped out after allie’s party.  and what happens when the whole family is wiped out?  i’ll tell you what happens.  it starts a chain reaction of events that goes something like this:

phil sleeps through his 6 am alarm and in his sleep stupor, wakes up to my alarm set for an hour later (we share one clock radio which is on his side of the bed), turns it off, and rushes off to work.  i blissfully stay sound asleep the whole time.  could be due to the earplugs i wear every night.  could also be due to the allergy medicine i took the night before because of the wicked allergy attack that struck following the windy day in the park.  in any case, i was out cold.

i finally snap awake an hour later, confused, unsure of what day it is, and with a sinking feeling in my stomach.  i blink a few more times and realize that it is after 8 am and i now have less than forty minutes to get myself and my three still-sleeping kiddos up and dressed, a lunch made for mikey, milk and something for their breakfast, shoes on and strapped into carseats in the car otherwise we’d be late for school.  thankfully, it’s still preschool and tardies aren’t a real reality for us yet.

okay, so we were a bit late.  make that a lot late.  but apparently, i still had time to take a couple pictures.  there’s always time for pictures, right?  and okay, so i only got two out of three kids dressed.  and only one girl with hair done.  but they all got the breakfast of champions- also known as cereal in a baggie.  at least i can say i’ve got my ducks in a row!  : p

and lateness notwithstanding, there’s always time for a picture with his baby sister.  🙂

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  • joyceandnorm

    oh no! that's totally going to be me when the kids go off to school. i thought you were going to say that the kids woke up before you and it looked like the dressers and closets and cabinets exploded because they had clothes everywhere trying to get themselves dressed and get breakfast ready. =p and yup, always time for pics! =)

  • stella

    I am already stressing out about school drop offs and pick ups next year (two separate drop offs and picks ups with four kids in tow)…I keep mapping out different time schedules in my mind. What time do I need to get up to make it all work? 5:30am!!! ahhhh!

  • Jenny

    there have been a few times i've woken up in a panic b/c i pressed the snooze button one too many times. fortunately, we've never been late but that's probably because i only have one kiddo and i'm not taking pictures! 🙂 ha ha!

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