old blog


so with phil in new mexico (he’s back now, more on that later), and while the kids are home this week on spring break, we’ve been sticking close to home on a more relaxed schedule and just enjoying doing little things together.

since we didn’t get to it over the weekend, we went ahead and dyed easter eggs yesterday.

hey allie, wanna make some easter eggs?

i wish i had put allie more in focus in this picture cuz i love her expression here.  live n learn, right?

they got right to work dunking in the eggs.

carefully, carefully…

and then we waited…

and waited…  (btw, it finally dawned on me this year that we could use food coloring drops to make lots of different color baths.  again with the live n learn…).

til finally we had us some color eggs!  most of the colors were a success.

except for the purple.  we ended up with brown.  allie was not pleased.

mikey doing a quality control check on his eggs…

when a certain little hand belonging to a certain baby sister tried to make a grab for one.

cool eggs, man.

then we went ahead and dabbed glitter paint on the eggs.  see the little sponges we used?  the two with the paint just on the edge were mikey and lauren’s (i helped lauren).  the black mangled one?  that one was allie’s. 

anytime painting is involved, she just settles in and does her thing.

long after the other two finished and went on to other interests.

this one stays put and keeps at it.

she’ll even start singing a little song to keep herself company.  this time, “if i were a butterfly” was the song of choice.  kinda reminds me of those frances books where frances starts singing a little song to herself.  remember those?  no?

after she was done, all three of those little sponges were black mangled messes.  and her fingers are currently still a brownish purple, too.

question:  what does one do with eighteen hard-boiled eggs and how long will they keep for?

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