old blog

baby, bad!

sometimes there are just no other words to say besides…

baby, bad!

baby, bad!  (and no, that wasn’t her toothbrush, either).

baby, bad!

baby, bad!  (and yes, that is green marker on her lips, in her mouth, on her pants, on her shirt, and on the carpet.  oh, and on the paper, too).

baby, bad!  (and yes, that is pulled out dental floss).

but…  but i think we’ll keep her anyway.

yes, we’ll definitely be keeping this one.  for now.

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  • Kate Avedissian

    what a stinker, so glad my kids aren't the only ones who pull off stunts like that. Even today i caught Megan with the dry erase eraser on the carpet…i hope it comes out. And there was the time with the pink sharpie on the carpet (she was drawing on paper but it leaked through)
    Baby Lauren is super cute though

  • Esther

    HAHA, funny post! i especially like the dental floss incident, it looks like fun. if i had guts, i would try that too…although, too late for me, i've turned a bit into a boring adult. and in the crib-with-arms-folded picture, she looks just like miss allie!

  • Lorie

    Awesome post, Michelle. So true to real life! I can definitely relate to #3 being the extra curious one. I'm sure my "L" will be up to similar tricks when he's your "L"'s age. πŸ˜‰

  • Anonymous

    i don't know how you caught all those moments on camera! i'm too quick to say 'no!' and don't even think about grabbing the camera. she's so cute, even when she's being bad. how could you ever get mad at her, right? janet.

  • michelle

    thanks for the comments, my friends! loved reading them all. πŸ™‚

    janet- i could only think of getting a quick shot in before she either noticed me or my mommy side kicked in and i had to say NO! and the moment was gone. so i only managed to get a quick shot, but quality went out the window!

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