old blog

his turn.

it’s phil’s birthday this week.  poor guy, he’s been so stressed out lately with the job hunt and all the crazy curve balls thrown his way.  he had planned to be post-call today, thinking he could rest and take a little breather.  but no, it ended up being yet another last-minute fiasco where he ended up having to go to an interview this afternoon after having been up the entire previous night working.  he was intensely tired by the time he finally did get home this afternoon.  but God was good in that the interview went well and phil got there and back safely (despite my worries that he might get into an accident being so tired and all).

it’s been an intense few months and it’s still not over yet.  more waiting.  more wondering what the next move will be.  yet i take comfort in the fact that the Lord knows our situation and knows the outcome.  best of all, He knows what is best for us and nothing can stop His will from happening.  so we just have to wait it out and see what will be.  but the waiting is hard.

and BOY, will i have an epic story to tell once there is finally a conclusion to it all!

anyhow, that wasn’t what i was planning to write about in this post.  but that’s what’s on both of our minds tonight and just felt like i needed to throw it out there.

what i DID mean to write about was my sweet hubby’s birthday celebration!  part one of the celebration started on friday night.  thanks to parents’ night out, i took phil out for a dinner date.  we went to pf changs.  mostly because phil doesn’t like to make a big deal out of his birthday and because we had a gift card.  so he agreed though he’s normally opposed to overpriced chinese food. 

carefully making his selections…

citrus spice tea.  a very nice complement to our meal.

chang’s spare ribs.  i remember thinking these were the best thing i’d ever eaten back in college.  this time around, i thought they were pretty good, but didn’t knock my socks off or anything.  hmm.  i wonder if my tastes have changed a bit or if this rib recipe has changed from when i last ate them THIRTEEN years ago?

seared ahi tuna.  this one was gooood.  🙂

and this is what happens when we ask one of the servers to take our picture.  and when i forget to turn the flash on.  but then again, i hate using flash.  aw well, at least it’s still a picture of us two together!

crispy honey shrimp.  like the ribs above, these just weren’t as good as i remember them being THIRTEEN years ago.  (seriously, how can i be that old??).

vip duck.  yes, it was really called that.  the duck was nice and tender, but the dish as a whole was a miss since it was messy and hard to eat.  and the flatbread seemed a little out of place.

coconut curry vegetables.  cuz you know we like eating healthy and all…  this dish was actually very good.  veggies were fresh and crisp, and the coconut curry sauce added a nice flavor.  so, this must mean it’s ME and not the dishes then.  since i now like VEGGIES over MEAT?!  what happened?  who am i?

and for dessert– banana spring rolls.  this was yummy, but way too much for two already-full people to finish.

all in all, a great date with the birthday boy.  and lots of leftovers to enjoy the next day.  🙂

more birthday fun coming next!

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  • Sonia

    Happy Birthday, Phil!!!
    I really feel for him… so tired, so stressed. Man, I would REALLY like to hear the happy ending to all this when it comes!! Praying for you & the family, Michelle.

  • michelle

    thanks, sonia! i too very much look forward to that happy ending… hopefully someday soon. 🙂

    thanks joyce! he's getting vacation time next month and we cannot wait!!

    kate, totally me too. food pictures always does that to me.

  • michelle

    jami- not a bad thing at all!! you wouldn't have had any way of knowing and besides, we honestly do like asian food best of all. we totally appreciated that you guys brought us food and really enjoyed spending time with you and james. besides, i meant to tell you that the leftovers fed us AND my brother's family very well the next day! so no, no, we don't tire of chinese food very fast! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Kate Avedissian- great post
    April 21, 2010 at 7:28am

    Nancy Fam- happy birthday to phil. as always…love your pictures! sucks that the picture the waiter took was so blurry. 🙁
    April 21, 2010 at 5:36pm

    Jami Kim Lee- oh my goodness… i'm so sorry that we didn't celebrate phil's b-day when we were over… i had no idea… (i just yelled at my "insensitive" hubby) – will you please wish him a happy belated and apologize for us? 🙁 hope you had a good one… (sorry again!!)
    April 21, 2010 at 10:43pm

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