old blog

because we’re a little nutso.

alright, so the day after allie’s and my princess date, phil actually got home early from work.  this RARELY to NEVER happens.  and so, off we went to disneyland again!  this time as a whole family!  cuz our passes were expiring!  and cuz we still didn’t know that we weren’t going to new mexico then!

so… here is the surprise third and FINAL disneyland installment.  until we renew again at some point.  because now we know we’re not going to be new mexicans.  🙂

well, look who we ran in to just after entering the park?  allie didn’t want a picture with mickey because of his over-sized head and because he’s a boy, after all, so we made this one a boys only picture.  btw, phil happened to be wearing his disney crocs where the holes are mickey-shaped.

we headed back to meet the princesses as our first order of business.  it rained on and off that day (sprinkled, really), so the park was a lot less crowded and this time, the line only took twenty minutes.  i waited in the line with lauren while phil and the kids went on the ‘it’s a small world ride’ before rejoining us.  it was here in this line when we got the news that phil got the fellowship at chla.  it was kinda a big moment for us.  🙂

and before we knew it, we were inside meeting princesses!  lauren decided to break the ice with ariel by pointing to her nose.  and soon, they were all doing it.  try it sometime, it’s a real crowd-pleaser!

and this was the moment when lauren fell in love with princesses.  hey, anyone who plays her nose-touching game with her is a-okay in her book.

since lauren decided that the princesses were her peeps, she went to each one and plunked herself down on their laps.  whether they were ready for her or not.  welcome to my world, belle.

belle was very sweet to both of my girls, though.

this picture pretty much says it all.  lauren wanted to stay parked on belle’s lap for the rest of the day.  she actually even started to cry when i picked her up (she’s an expert at going limp when she doesn’t want to be moved.  my back loves when she does this) and carried her away.

but all was right with the world again as soon as she found another lap to plunk herself down on.

afterward, phil wondered aloud if these people actually like little kids in real life.  to which i responded, “what?  what’s not to love?”  : p  whether they really do like kids or not, they certainly do an awesome job staying in character!

and since mikey was a trooper through the whole princess business, we let him choose what we’d do next.  he chose to ride this.  twice.

sometimes it’s just plain sad being the littlest.

happily, there are no height requirements on the merry-go-round.

pull as she might, that darn sword wouldn’t budge.

we hopped over to california adventures to get on mikey’s favorite ride.

though he’s not a big fan of the squirting watermelon part.

and just to prove i was there, too…

our youngest one rather enjoyed flik’s twirly ride.

our oldest one, however, seems to believe he’s on a death trap.  and this was before the ride even started moving.

but ever so slowly…

he begins to…

enjoy the ride!

enough to want to ride it a second time!

so yep, we had a fabulous bonus day at disneyland.  but now, i think we’re good til after the summer crowds have gone away since we’ll be staying on as southern californians.  🙂

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  • Jenny

    girl, when do you find time to post so often? i'm not complaining though because i love reading your blog! 🙂
    so glad everyone had a great time at disneyland and what better place to get great news than the happiest place on earth?
    our passes expired last month and we'll probably renew after summer too. let's go together!

  • michelle

    yeah, yeah let's totally go! i'm SO excited that we'll get to live so close to you guys next year!!

    about posting– i can barely manage to keep up with posting twice a week and have this long list of entries i want to get to. i seriously have NO idea how people post something every day. but i love doing it and am so glad you're reading along with me! 🙂

    btw, did sam tell you how lame i was yesterday at the workshop? ha ha. i admit it. i was lame.

  • Kate Avedissian

    i think they have to love kids to work at Disneyland, they are pretty strict on who they hire, and they go to "disney university" to work there. (i've read up on it, mom and i always pick jobs out for each other, but decidedly agreed that we would probably be the trash pick-er-upers.
    funny picture with the sword in the stone, i have one of Ian when he is 6 months old, he's in the front pack and his mouth is totally covering the sword handle. ewww i know!!!! he got a good mouth wiping after that, followed by some good all purpose breast milk. LOL

  • Anonymous

    if our passes were expiring soon, we'd probably go that often too! isn't it so awesome that we live near disneyland? the best part is that you could leave after couple hours and not feel bad about it. i love allie's expression on the carousel. she looks sooo happy! – janet.

  • joyceandnorm

    i had to laugh at phil's crocs…and then lauren sitting in the princesses' laps…and then at mikey on the twirly ride. =p

    i post "everyday" but not really. i blog when i have time and then schedule them to post on certain days. and other times, i do a quick update from my phone.

  • michelle

    janet- it's definitely a very cool thing to live so close to disneyland! i will let you know when we do renew so we can meet up there for a playdate with all the kiddos. that is, after you're back up and running with three kiddos! 🙂

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