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last week, the kids and i were able to join our church’s moms’ group at the cabrillo marine aquarium (THANKS stef for inviting us!).  on the whole ride there, mikey kept asking about a certain someone who works there… would auntie esther be there?  is auntie esther going to teach them a class like last time?  is auntie esther going to show them the fish?  does auntie esther live at the aquarium?

needless to say, we couldn’t get there fast enough.

and look who we managed to catch just before she had to leave?  the aquarium’s just not the same without auntie esther there!

we went inside to find our friends and do a little exploring.

mmm, sweet little baby.  in a peanut shell.  love.  it.

and mikey, big fan of babies, couldn’t resist that little baby hand.

meanwhile, my baby was being unusually clingy that day.

i mean, pretty much velcroed herself to my leg while we were inside.

but for some reason, being outside restored her to her normal curious, independent self.  silly girl.

ring around the rosy…

pocket full of posy…

ashes, ashes…

we all fall down!

this is lauren’s favorite thing to do lately.  i’m not too keen on it, though.

“hey, where’d you get those cool shoe toys?”

“off my feet!  pulled ’em right off.  you can do it too.”

“oh yeah?  lemme try it.”  (lauren:  yes!  i converted another one to the wild side.)

aw, but look- the bigger girls came over to put lauren’s shoes back on.  that they were putting them on the wrong feet just adds to the awesomeness.

good times with good friends make me happy.  🙂

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  • Jenny

    oh, how fun! austin and i were just talking about auntie esther on the way to school this morning. austin has a field trip to the santa monica aquarium and we were saying how fun it would be if the field trip could be to cabrillo so he could see auntie esther.
    everyone loves auntie esther!!!

  • michelle

    kate- thanks! been doing a little experimenting lately.

    jenny- austin is a lucky boy to have auntie esther as his actual auntie! you guys should come on down to the aquarium and we can all descend upon auntie esther together. 🙂

  • stefjayc

    Loved the ring around the rosy shots, esp. the 1st one. Somehow you can just feel the motion, even though it's still. And the perspective & depth of the background, & the kids watching, & the look on Allie's face…you've got such an eye Michelle! Love it!

  • Esther

    whenever my friends bring their kiddos, my co-workers always say how cute and well behaved the children are. i heard a similar report after your mom's group visited. one of the volunteers went on and on about how engaged, polite and sweet all the children were. i'm so lucky i work somewhere you guys would want to visit…i definitely get to see everyone more often than i would otherwise. auntie esther is the lucky one.

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