old blog


you know how some girls dream of having a little girl of their own someday?  a little girl to dress up, have tea parties with, go shopping with, and do all manner of girly things with?  that was never me.  before having kids, i’d always somehow thought that if God blessed us with kids, i’d have all boys and i was fine with that.  i saw myself as the total boy mom and didn’t think i’d miss out if i didn’t have a girl.

don’t get me wrong- it’s not because i didn’t like girls, or the thought of having one.  i just honestly felt somehow impaired and wasn’t altogether sure i could raise a girl without totally messing her up.  and sometimes i still struggle with that, even now.

but the good Lord saw fit to not only give me one little girl, but TWO…

one of whom is the epitome of girlyness– sensitive, emotional, and wears only dresses or skirts.  can you guess who?

but God, who makes no mistakes, sure knew what He was doing cuz He knew these two needed each other.

as well as knowing what a blessing it would be for me to see these two grow as sisters…

and friends.

to be there for each other no matter what lies ahead.

and in that, i am blessed indeed.

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  • Kate Avedissian

    sniff, sniff…that was the best pre-mother's day post. Love that last picture. I'm sorry that one-who-will-not-be-named totally didn't prepare you for girls. You are a great mom to girls…just look at your princess post.
    You are right about God, He knew best. He made you a mommy to sweet girls, and one awesome boy. *HUGS*

  • joyceandnorm

    so sweet! i love that running pic. i have a hand-holding pic coming up tomorrow. =p sisters are the best! i have 2, but we love our baby bro too. =) for some reason, i can't see myself raising boys, and with our luck, if we try for #3 it may be twin girls. =p

  • Anonymous

    Tim Park- Really great pictures! The colors are wonderful, and you captured special moments!
    May 14, 2010 at 8:49am

    Michelle Tsai- thanks tim! your encouragement means a lot to me. and as you can see, your last workshop taught me a lot, too! 🙂 (and i finally went raw).
    May 14, 2010 at 11:34am

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