old blog

mother’s day.

ok, i’m really late in posting about mother’s day, but stuff like packing and trying to find a new place to live seem to have taken over my attention lately.  but i still wanted to slip this one in!

so a couple weeks ago, i (well, lauren and i) went to the kids’ school for their mother’s day celebration.  it was supposed to be a special time for moms and their ONE kid.  but when you have two kids in the same school doing the same activity in different classes as well as another smaller kid who must go where you go, well then, you kinda just gotta improvise.  so i did the best i could, but still ended up feeling a little guilty.  πŸ™

i started off in allie’s class.  she was so excited to see me AND lauren in her class.

my sweet girl didn’t mind that her little sister was tagging along.  instead, allie specifically asked me earlier that morning if i could bring lauren to her class because she wanted her there.

she totally loves her role as big sister and really loves showing lauren the ropes.

the play dough table continues to be allie’s favorite.  as it’s been since the first day of school.

and little sister?  she was in heaven.  she’s been wanting to be part of this class ever since she started walking.  and this was her big chance!

unfortunately, we only had thirty minutes to divide between both kids’ classes, so it was time to hop on over to mikey’s class before i knew it.

and there, we found him hard at work making a surfboard necklace.  i told him beforehand that i would be later to his class since i was going to be in allie’s class first.  he totally understood and didn’t seem to mind but was glad to see us when we did get there!

i quickly pieced together a necklace for this one to wear.

and he kept at it until he had his whole string covered.  the silly face was for my camera’s benefit since he was well aware that i was clickin’ away.

me and my boy.  yeah.

she insisted that i take her picture as well.  and it was serious business, man.

time to sit on the rug!

ms. tanya read “what moms can’t do” aloud to the class.  mikey loves listening to stories read aloud.  i think this is probably the only time the boy sits still.

did i say this girl was in heaven before?  well, i was just kidding then.  THIS was her moment of heaven.  sitting on her own color square with all the big kids?  oh heaven, definitely.

ok, so the reason why i ended up feeling guilty was because i had allie stay in her class (which she was fine with even though she would be the only mom-less kid there) when i went to mikey’s class.  and according to allie, after i left, her teacher also had rug time with the class and read them a story.  and at the end, the teacher told the kids to give their moms a big hug.  and *gulp* i wasn’t there to give allie a hug!  but without missing a beat, allie said, “but mommy, lexi’s mommy did something nice.  she let me give her a hug instead!”  and she was happy as could be about that.  but i was so sad that i wasn’t there.

but soon enough, everyone headed over to have lunch together.  we found allie, made it through the food line, and found seats next to mikey’s friend s.  these two can talk endlessly.  well okay, my boy can talk endlessly.

but, mikey does stop talking on occasion to listen every once in a while…

but not for too long.  heh heh.

there were coloring pages and crayons at the tables which made you-know-who very happy.

give her a juice box and she’s good to go.  gotta love a low-maintenance gal!

in spite of feeling a little sad and harried, i was still so glad to be there and to be able to spend precious time with my kiddos.

and i think little sister felt the love, too.  πŸ™‚

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  • joyceandnorm

    precious! the kids are darling and i'm sure they were glad to have you there even part of the time. glad you don't have 6 kids. yikes! everyone looked like they had a blast!

    i brought the girls to the school where my sister is a K teacher and afterward melody kept saying, 'i want to go to school.' the students were so cute with her. i'm not ready to let her go though.

  • Jenny

    what a treat to have you come to their classes for mother's day. and so sweet that allie was okay with giving another mom a hug instead. i totally feel you though – i would've felt sad too.

  • stefjayc

    Ditto on splitting your time amongst the kids school experiences…just can't be in more than 1 place at a time & it makes me sad sometimes. The kids are always understanding though…just comes with the territory of having siblings close in age. But I think because they love each other they don't mind sharing Mommy with the ones they love. : )

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