old blog


phil’s been on vacation the last two weeks.  ok, say it with me– YAHOO!!!  i’ve probably said this before, but this time it’s felt like a looong time coming.  and as always, it’s gone by much too quickly.  but we’ve had a great time being together as a family and now i get to relive all the fun memories here.

on top of that, phil has 30 days left of residency.  (hooray!)

on top of that, we’re moving in 21 days.  (we found a house!)

on top of that, i have 4 boxes packed.  (ehh, what’s the rush?)

anyway, where was i?  oh yeah, vacation.  vacations are rather nice, aren’t they?  to kick off this vacation, phil and i had a date night!  (oh, how we’ll miss parents’ night out).

so for this date, we decided to go for low-key, good grubbin’.

initially, i was going to go the sensible route.

until phil pointed me to the bottom of the menu.  i think even he was surprised by the speed at which i whooped, “YEAH BABY!!”

the meal began innocently enough with this tasty bit of cornbread ‘n butter.

and then, these arrived.  hello, delicious.  but i must warn you…

be afraid.  be very afraid.

then came the ‘healthy’ portion of the meal.  hey, there’s veggies right there!  and fruit in the back!

and then, well, it got downright ugly at this point.  juuust kidding.  we remained civil in the midst of all the carnage.

i will spare you the picture of the meal’s aftermath.  but it was good grubbin’.  to say the least.

always fun to reunite with the kids after date night.  this one is especially cuddly when she’s reunited.

more adventures with these monkeys coming soon!  🙂

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  • kellyY

    D R O O L
    D R O O L more
    D R O O L uncontrollably

    (love the last feet pics). They are so adorable. Please tell them I miss them. 🙂

  • joyceandnorm

    why did i come here to comment when i'm hungry? =p we had ribs the other week and after every. single. bite. melody would put her hands up and say, "YUMMY!" =p i hope you didn't do that at the restaurant. hehe i might have, it all looks so delicious.

    can't wait to hear about all the whole adventures of the past 2 weeks, and all the excitement of what's ahead.

  • michelle

    kelly- thank you! the kiddos totally miss you too. but we think of you whenever we eat another chocolate! which reminds me, it's time for another one! 🙂

    esther- aw, thanks. you keep me motivated!

    joyce- your daughter sounds like my kinda gal! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    even w/ 3 kids, you guys get date nights so often! that's so awesome. good luck w/ packing. moving is SO hard and so stressful esp w/ young kids. take it one box (room) at a time and before you know it, you'll be all packed and ready to move! too bad you'll be moving so far from me. 🙁 janet.

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