old blog

the farm.

in an effort to save money and spend some good family time together, we decided to spend a week at grandma and grandpa’s house while phil was on vacation.  we all had a great time and it was time well spent as we haven’t stayed that long at my dad’s place since we’ve been married.  the visit was long overdue and it was much anticipated by both grandparents and grandkids.

the job of packing our family of five falls entirely to me.  which makes the anticipatory excitement a little less thrilling on my end.  thankfully, i have a saved packing list that i print out each time we go anywhere and that makes the job a bit easier.  i just throw everything we need onto our bed and cross items off the list as i go.  i still hate packing, but at least i’m less likely to forget some key item someone will need later.  the first column is stuff for phil and me, the second column is the kids’ stuff, and the third column is the last-minute reminders before we leave.  oh and the box underneath the packing list was one of the very few i had managed at that point to get sealed up for our big move later this month (now in fourteen days- YIKES!)

hey look, it’s Vacation Phil!  i miss him already…  πŸ™

my dad recently built a second house on his property which we got to have to ourselves for the week.  nice, huh?  the girls would run to hug grandpa every morning the minute he came in the door.  i think he kinda liked it.  πŸ™‚

they all spent a good bit of time snuggling together.  and i didn’t get a picture of it, but they also watched the movie “my friend totoro” on endless repeat.  definitely one of the kids’ most favorite things to do at grandpa’s.  there’s a reason why we don’t bring the movie home with us…

and this girl could be found parked right here for every meal.

my very kind step-mom cooked three big meals for us each day we were there.  that was probably my favorite part of being at their house.  πŸ™‚

and a sight i never thought i’d live to see.  my dad! doing! dishes!  yep, he’s changed quite a bit as he’s gotten older and i love him very much.  these two are seriously the best grandparents i could wish for my kids.

and we’d head out every morning to see what we’d see.

feeding the goats was one of mikey’s favorite things to do there.

 what’s up, goat?

grandpa even taught mikey how to shoot a real gun, too!  they were aiming at pretend ground squirrels while lily the dog sat at the ready.

there was also a little down-time at grandpa’s…

but plenty of monkey business going on, too.

i wasn’t kidding about the monkey business.

ah, this girl and her face get away with quite a bit more than her older brother and sister ever did.  and i think she well knows it.

there was also marshmallow-roasting at grandpa’s house (see why they never wanted to leave?).

and i think grandpa wouldn’t have minded having us stick around, either.

then we busted out the light sticks.

spin ’em faster, kids!

and of course, she had to get in on the fun, too!

playing with light sticks and cameras = fun.  at least in my book.  πŸ˜‰

more fun stuff with the grandparents coming soon! 

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  • Anonymous

    your dad's place looks like so much fun! i can't believe M got to shoot a real gun. wow! my kids have watched 'totoro' waaaay too many times. in fact, they watched it again today. they love it. it's one of their favorite movies. janet.

  • michelle

    janet- i still don't quite get why kids love totoro so much. but my kids totally do, and they equate the movie with being at grandpa's house. i'm pretty sure that will be something they remember when they're all grown up.

    kate- grandpas are the best, aren't they? πŸ™‚

    stef- aw, thank you! i always appreciate your comments!

  • joyceandnorm

    what a fun time…without having to spend any money! i think those are the best memories i have as a kid, is sleepover at my granparents' house or the weekly trips to the library. love the light sticks.

  • Anonymous

    Christine Nah Song- I love that pic of your dad with the fishing pole and the little head poking out! Great shot! : )
    June 5, 2010 at 12:42am

    Michelle Tsai- thanks christine! πŸ™‚ i have another one almost exactly the same except my dad is looking right at me with a "what in the world is she doing?" look on his face. makes me laugh.
    June 5, 2010 at 1:10am

    Jane Oh- that was the sweetest post ever michelle! what an awesome family memory!
    June 5, 2010 at 3:50am

    Michelle Tsai- aw thanks, jane! we definitely had a great time together and will be going back soon!
    June 5, 2010 at 1:42pm

    Stella Lee- what a great trip! what great grandparents!
    June 5, 2010 at 9:52pm

    Michelle Tsai- thanks stella! πŸ™‚ i've got more to recap, but that's only if i decide to forego packing… packing schmacking!
    June 5, 2010 at 10:37pm

    Amy Kim Ho- You always take such great pictures Michelle. Looks like you guys had a wonderful and relaxing time with your parents! How's packing/moving going? I don't know how you manage to take pictures of everything while you do everything. Definite talent! Hope we'll get to spend some time together in the summer.
    June 5, 2010

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