old blog

just when i think i might be on top of things.

one of the drawbacks of being in survival mode for a prolonged period combined with moving and/or having a baby every couple of years is that, uh, certain basic parenting duties fall to the wayside.  (ok, maybe it’s not the survival mode thing, maybe it’s just me).  so take for instance, routine trips to the dentist.  our dentist back in minnesota said we didn’t have to bring mikey in til he was three.  so i put that duty on the back burner of my mind and went on my merry way.  and then we moved to a new house.  and then allie was born.  and then we moved to california.  and then i found out that there’s such a thing as pediatric dentists who say you should bring kids in at eighteen months.  oops.  but by then, mikey was already three and i figured it was time to find him a dentist.  and then we found out that lauren was coming and thoughts of a dentist moved back to the back burner in between bouts of morning sickness.

and so, we finally got mikey to a dentist by the time he was three and a half.  close enough, no?  except, phil signed us up for the hmo side of his dental plan and we didn’t have much to choose from.  so the first guy we went to was not quite up to par.  we never went back.

six months later…  (ok, ok, it was eight, but in that time we had moved yet again and had lauren), we tried another dentist and this one was better but still not great.  i kinda gave up on trying to find great who took hmo and just thought we’d deal with it.

except, that just didn’t sit well with me cuz these are MY KIDS we’re talking about.  we tried the second dentist one more time but by then i’d made up my mind to resume the hunt for someone great.  thankfully around that time, a friend referred me to the dentist she takes her kids to.  she raved about him, how great he was with kids, how nice the office staff was, and best of all, he had a treasure box!  and that sealed the deal for me.  cuz i knew my kiddos would LOVE a dentist with a treasure box.  it’s important to me that my kids like going to the dentist because good dental health is important to me (even though it might take me longer to get around to it).  so i asked phil to change his insurance to ppo and i made appointments for all three kiddos (hey, at least lauren made it in early!).

the great news is that they love dr. steve and no longer dislike going to the dentist.  and the treasure box is awesome!  the bad news is that mikey had a cavity.  so i made an appointment to get it filled and went back to my life of packing up yet again.  wouldn’t you know it, just when we find someone great, we’re moving away!  but i resolved to drive back at least for this coming year, because it’s worth it when it comes to my kids.

so that’s the long story of how we got to this particular day.  the day of mikey’s appointment to get his cavity filled.  i tossed and turned the night before concerned for mikey and feeling bad that he had to go through this and hoping he’d get through it okay.  and i woke up this morning realizing that i forgot to see if anyone could possibly watch allie and lauren so that i could take mikey and be there with him without other distractions pulling at me.  i made a last-ditch call and thankfully, my sweet friend (the one who referred me to dr. steve) readily agreed to take the girls even though she had her own kids with her and errands to run with all of them.  yeah, she’s totally amazing like that.

i dropped the girls off and mikey and i drove back home.  it had been pretty foggy and so i turned on my headlights.  remember that cuz it’ll come back in to play later in this story.

an hour and a half later, mikey and i got back in to the car to get to the dentist.  and i remember marveling at how we were going to be on time, early even, and how much easier it is to get to things on time with one kid in tow.

and then i heard a click, click, click, then nothing as i turned the car key to turn on the ignition.  oh no.

i looked down and realized that i never turned the headlights off when we got home earlier!  i waited a few minutes and prayed that the engine would just turn on.

click, click.

i waited a few more minutes.  we’re now no longer going to be early even.

click, click.

mikey and i got out of the car, my mind was racing.  should i keep waiting or could we possibly walk there?  i was getting desperate at this point.  the distance was two miles and yet i kept thinking maybe we could walk.  yeah, we could totally walk and be there on time!  i tried the car one more time.

click, click.

i texted phil.  he texted back and suggested i see if a neighbor could give me a jump start.  huh, didn’t think of that.  i looked around and saw no one and not many cars in the driveways.  i called the dentist office to tell them my car wouldn’t start.  the receptionist was very sympathetic and said we could still make it if we would get there within twenty minutes.  i re-entertain the thought of walking there.  i was desperate to get to this appointment because i didn’t have the other two with me and really didn’t want to lose this opportunity to just be there with mikey.  juggling kiddos is not easy and having a last-minute babysitter is not a thing to be wasted!  just then, phil called and said he was on his way home to jump start my car.  my hero.  except, it would take him twenty minutes to get home and by then, we’d be too late for the appointment.

so, we go next door and ring the doorbell hoping someone might be home.  instead, a big dog comes to the window and barks at us, but no other answer.  right then, i saw our neighbors a few houses down driving back to their house.  it appeared that one of them forgot something at home because he ran in to get whatever it was while the other one stayed in the car.  mikey and i ran our tails over there and quickly explained our situation and asked if they could maybe please jump-start our van?  he very kindly understood and agreed to help me out.  mikey and i ran back to our car and he drove up with jumper cables.  (note to self:  owning only one set of jumper cables is not wise.  especially when those cables are in husband’s car!).

in no time at all, our van was up and running!  yahoo!  we raced to the dentist’s office hoping against hope that we could still keep the appointment.  i hastily parked and mikey and i RAN into the building, rode up the elevator, ran down the hallway, and arrived breathless into the office.  what an entrance we must have made.  followed up by mikey announcing to the receptionist that our car wouldn’t start and how we ran there.  she initially thought we ran all the way from our house to the office!  i quickly explained and asked if we made it in time.  she smiled and nodded and said we were fine.  WHEW.

thankfully, everything went super well from that point on.  mikey did GREAT and i was so proud of him.  he kept so still that the dentist thought he had fallen asleep midway through (mikey was wearing sunglasses during the filling).  i know my boy and knew he wasn’t sleeping but was doing his best to be brave and get to the end so he could visit the beloved treasure box.  but he amazed even me with how well he handled it and how much he was willing to endure for that treasure box.  oh how i love that kid.

anyhow, when it was all said and done, we drove home (happily, the car started again with no problem) and i was just overwhelmed with thankfulness.  thankful that it all worked out in the end, thankful that i have good friends i can call on at the last minute, a sweet husband who is willing to come to my rescue, and a kind neighbor who was willing to help me out even though he had things to do and places to be.  thankful most of all at how God provided for me every step of the way even though i didn’t even think to ask and that He didn’t leave me to deal with what is really a minor snag in the grand scheme of things.  thankful that God cares for me in the small things when i most certainly don’t deserve such grace.  thankful that though i may never be quite on top of things, i know the one who is and He’s got my back.

ah, what a day.  and i even got a few boxes packed, too!

anyhow.  will be back with more pics from our visit to grandpa’s.  gotta sleep first though.  and pack.  did i mention i hate packing?  yeah?  ok.  just checking.

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  • Kate Avedissian

    umm, i'm in the same boat about the dentist and my kids, who knew, about early appointments. Hey, all their vaccinations are up to date right?!? Good job at keeping it together. I'm with ya on the whole packing business.

  • Sonia

    Michelle!! God truly does provide! What a neat story about this in everyday life! I am so glad everything worked out in the end… although I bet you were exhausted by the end of the day!

  • Anonymous

    i love your pictures but i love your stories even more! what a busy day but i'm glad M got taken care of. i can totally relate to you about the whole dentist thing b/c my husband also got our family hmo too! πŸ™ and i've had no luck finding a good pediatric dentist w/ our insurance. i'm going to tell him to switch to ppo too. hopefully, it's not too late and audrey doesn't have tons of cavities already!

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