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the outings, part one.

ok, so to resume the vacation recap…

since we spent a whole week at grandpa’s house, we had lots of time for outings in between all the time hanging out at home.  unfortunately for me, most of the outings happened right around when the sun was high in the sky.  but i worked with it as best as i could since i didn’t want to miss out on the memory-making moments as they were happening.  πŸ™‚

mikey had wanted to go fishing while we were there and grandpa was happy to teach mikey the finer points of how to cast out the line, how to tell if he got a fish, and how to reel it back in.

“did i catch a fish yet?”

so while mikey kept at it (he told me he really wanted to catch a fish for us to eat for dinner), allie found other ways to keep herself entertained.

lauren found plenty of interesting things to look at, but we were all a little nervous about her getting too close to the pier’s edge so she ended up strapped in the stroller soon after this picture was taken.

this is how phil responds when asked to give me a normal smile.

yeah, sometimes it’s best when they don’t know i’m shooting.

in spite of mikey’s best effort to catch a fish that day (and he stuck with it the whole time we were out there, foregoing even the burger we bought him for lunch), we unfortunately went home without any luck.  wrong time of year and wrong time of day.  but still, grandpa said that was fine because mikey was out there to learn and practice anyway, which made him feel a whole lot better.  especially when grandpa said we could try fishing again another day.  not sure what this girl thought about this whole fishing business though.

later that evening, we headed back out to go see the san luis obispo farmers’ market.

signing a giant ball.

my dad really wanted us to have ribs for dinner, so he and mira got in the long line while the rest of us did a little more walking around before rejoining them.

the line was looong, but moved pretty quickly.  if you look below the white sign, beyond the lady in the black leather jacket, you can see phil with allie sitting on his shoulders.

mmm, meat…

phil kept asking me where we were going to eat all this food and i kept telling him we were gonna pull up a piece of curb and jump right in.  he thought i was kidding.  i never kid when it comes to my dinner.

neither does she.

my girl in the driver’s seat.

you don’t normally see a huge tractor in the streets of southern california, so mikey thought this was pretty cool.  and if you look closely, allie’s in the driver’s seat once again!

more tomorrow!  πŸ™‚

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