old blog

the bee.

moving day is almost upon us.  i’ve done nothing but pack for the past several days.  it’s driving me crazy and i dearly miss doing just normal stuff with my kiddos.  and taking pictures of them.  and since packing requires one to stay home, that’s where we’ve been for most of this month.  the kids have been roaming around finding things to keep themselves entertained.  thankfully, they’re pretty content to play at home and usually find plenty to keep themselves occupied.  but that’s not to say that i haven’t noticed an increase in whining, complaining, tattling, and other unsavory behavior.  apparently, they still need someone to parent them every now and then…

allie lately has been making this face if asked to hold still for more than one picture.  so no, it’s not always sweetness and light around here.

happily though, she changes emotions pretty quickly.  especially when i tell her that there’s a bee in her ear.

mikey came running over to see what the commotion was about.  so i told him there was a bee in his ear, too.


my boy is usually my go-to guy for picture-taking because he’s always been the most patient and willing to hold still.  within reason.

we’ve spent quite a lot of time in the garage and driveway lately in order for me to pack as well as to allow the kids to do something other than watch tv all day.  they wanted to paint on this particular day.

painting a star wars ship.  with plenty of shooters all around it.

you might be wondering why this small girl deemed it necessary to wear her brother’s old bike helmet.

it’s not cuz she wanted to strike out on the open road on her bike.

rather, she wanted to take cookie monster out in the stroller.  it is a rough and tumble world out there, after all.

but apparently, the helmet is overkill when going for a trike ride.  especially when being pushed by mommy.

sorry for this scatter-brained post.  it’s kinda reflective of where i am right now.  : p

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