old blog

watering the lawn.

phil is on his very LAST call as a resident tonight.  four days remain until he’s done with residency.  forever.  i can hardly believe it.  but as phil pointed out, it’s not quite as exciting as we had thought it would be since now another year of fellowship training has been tacked on.  but still.  the end is near!  more on that later.

phil already had his graduation celebration last weekend.  that was great, but also kind of a downer since he had to go back for ten more days of work before actually being done.  anyway, more on the graduation later.

for now, my life is still all packed up in boxes and i’m very tempted to just leave them be since we’ll be loading them up again in one year.  needless to say, motivation is very low.  but, we are in the new house and like it very much.  more on that later.

ok, so i’m kinda behind on the blog too.  but i’m gonna take a break from looking at our chaos of boxes in order to post some pics from last month.  these were taken at the old house when i was in the midst of packing (have i mentioned before that i hate packing?  yes?  then you should also know that i hate UNpacking just as much, if not more.  just sayin’.), and decided that i’d better start watering our dead lawn before we moved out.

and cuz i’m a big believer in multi-tasking, i also decided to give the kids something to do at the same time.  cuz that’s just the kind of mom i am.  🙂

“hey kids, when mommy was little, i used to play in the sprinklers when it was hot outside.  wanna try it?”

“no allie, it’s not a drinking fountain.”

“okay well, be my guest if you’re really that thirsty.”

“now how about actually playing in the water?”

“boy, it’s only water and you’re wearing a swimsuit.  you’ve got the okay to get wet!”

okay, so my kids aren’t big fans of getting water on their faces.

and okay, so they didn’t actually run through the sprinkler like i thought they would.  but they did find alternative ways to play with the water.

and weren’t even deterred when getting blasted in the face.

“allie look, you can turn the water the other way with this little knob.  now we won’t get hit in the face anymore!”

“ooh, i see a rainbow!”

“thanks mommy for letting us play in the sprinkler!”  (he really said that.)

“mommy, now i love the sprinkler!  but i still don’t like getting my face wet.”

finding yet another way to play with the sprinkler instead of actually jumping through it like i requested.

and when one has a toy, the other must have one too.

water the lawn: check.  entertain the kids: check.  fun afternoon:  check.

and in case you were wondering, here’s lauren seconds after i first turned on the sprinkler.  once the water started falling on her head, she hightailed it outta there and attached herself to my leg and there she stayed for the rest of the sprinkler time.  which is odd because she’s the only one of our kids who doesn’t mind when we dump water on her head during bathtime.  a bucket of water on her face, no problem.  little bitty water droplets on her head, no deal.  go figure.

summer is here, friends!  🙂

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  • KellyY

    I love them!!!! Love!!!! Love!!!!! Love!!!!!

    Btw, really great shots. 🙂

    Have a great summer! Don't bother unpacking. You've to pack them all up again in 1 year. 😛

  • joyceandnorm

    I'm tempted to do this today. Our first "hot" day of summer. I remember doing this all the time when we were kids. I think Melody would love playing with your kiddos. She would be the exact way about getting wet like that. =p

  • michelle

    aw THANKS kelly! you made my day. 🙂

    joyce- i bet my kiddos would love playing with your adorable girls! and come to think of it, i never liked getting water in my eyes and up my nose, either. still don't.

  • MillerMilleu

    you cease to amaze me…i don't have the energy to post much; it is easier to look. i do have the delays of getting photos on to CD's which then i can upload to computer to put on blog. too many hoops for me. it is just easier to record the words….one day the pics will make it. love seeing your kids grow up! Such great big smiles. praying God's best for you all.

  • judy

    great idea + great shots = super memories! seriously. your kids are so blessed to not only have a fabulous mom, but also to have a wonderful historian, photographer, & memory keeper to capture all these fun moments! michelle, if it's not too big an undertaking you should def. make your posts into a book (from blurb.com) or something like it!

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