old blog

done. sort of.

so last month, we had the privilege of attending phil’s residency graduation.  the day we’d been waiting three years for.  no wait, make that nine years, since we’ve been aiming toward this day since the day phil started medical school.  it felt like it would never get here.  it felt like a loooong time coming.  and then suddenly, the day was upon us.

though this day wasn’t quite as exciting and milestone-ish as we had been anticipating.  mostly because the extra year of fellowship training was unexpectedly tacked on just when we thought the end was near.  but we put aside those thoughts and celebrated anyway, because phil worked extremely hard for a very long time to get to this point, and i was so proud of him for it.

we were also very glad to have my brother’s family and my dad join us in the celebration.  phil had decided not to invite his mom because he didn’t want her to have to fly down for it (she really dislikes traveling) and because, as he explained, she’d probably be happiest for him when he’s actually done and working a stable job.

the residency program is very small with only 4 to 5 residents per year.  so here are this year’s graduates.

because the program is so small, it tends to be a tight-knit group what with spending so much time together and all.  phil became pretty close friends with anu and was especially happy when it turned out that they’d be in the same fellowship program for this year.

a picture of the outgoing chief with the incoming chief.  like a passing of the baton, if you will.

the graduate with his three monkeys.

my two girlies in their new matching dresses special for the occasion.

and this.  well, i simply have no words for this.

she decided she’d had enough of the picture-taking fuss and high-tailed it back to her peeps.

daddy’s “small computer” (what mikey calls the iphone) keeps ’em still and quiet and sometimes you just need that.

finally the sip-champagne-and-mingle-outside hour was done (much to my relief!) and it was time to come inside for the ceremony followed by lunch.  each of the graduates had a reserved table for their guests.  we chose the one closest to the doors.  i’ll tell you why in a minute.

phil checking his program to see if his name was really there.

and it really was.

mikey and jeremiah having a moment.

phil and johnny also having a moment.

the ceremony included a somewhat long-winded speaker but thankfully, all the kiddos did great.  for most of the time.  this little one though, decided to throw out a “WOO HOO!” right when it got particularly quiet.  just to see what would happen.  i wanted to sink through the floor.

but aside from that, the kiddos were good about being quiet and staying somewhat still.

for the most part.  but little kids can take being still and quiet for only so long before it all starts going downhill.  which is why i selected the table closest to the doors.  so that i could shoo them outside with grandpa when they couldn’t be still and quiet any longer.

but they came back just in time to see daddy get a big present.  (it was a frame for his diploma.  er, certificate of completion?)  unfortunately, the frame was empty since he still had to go back to work for ten more days before he was actually finished.  why they do that, i’ll never know.

and we were pleasantly surprised when phil also got the “junior blade award”.  it’s akin to being voted ‘resident of the year’ by the attendings.

here’s phil getting ready to dance a happy jig.  just kidding, he was merely headed back to our table.  but it kinda looks like he was about to bust a dance move just then, no?

all kidding aside, a pretty cool honor for my hubs.

ok, so this guy is a pediatric dentist who did a year of anesthesia training with the residents.  he was well-liked by all because he was both hard-working and pretty generous.  so he decided to bring his own gifts to give the graduates.  lauren decided she wanted to go up and get a closer look.

and decided she liked the laugh she got from the audience so there she stayed.  til daddy had to scoop her up and bring her back.

oh, and in case you were wondering what the gift from the dentist was?

like i said, the dentist guy was well-liked and pretty generous.  but this pretty much floored us.  and this totally made mikey’s day cuz now he gets to play on  (in his words) “a BIG small computer”!

as we were leaving, mikey said, “WOW, daddy got so many presents today!”  he definitely did and so well-deserved was this day of celebration and good cheer after a residency so well done.

so proud and happy for you, honey!  you did it!!!

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  • Judy

    congratulations Phil and congratulation to you too michelle. it reminds me of when richard graduated and you feel like you just went through the whole training too! Anyway, it's a wonderful testament to your perseverance, diligence and faithfulness!

    Um, can that dentist friend be my friend too? wow.

    sweet for phil getting the jr. blade award. that means he's not only smart but nice and is living out God's kindness to people.

    what a great day to celebrate!

  • Lorie

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Phil ROCKS!" A big congratulations to him from us! I'm so glad he got so many nice compliments and gifts above and beyond the piece of paper too. Well deserved for all of his sleep deprivation and hard work through the years! They should give out wife awards, too, though, don't ya think? 😉

  • Jenny

    what a big day michelle! congratulations to phil for his great accomplishment and to you for being such a supportive and patient wife through all the years.
    so awesome he got the junior blade award from the attendings and even cooler that he got an ipad. i'm going to play with it when i come over. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Christine Nah Song- congrats to phil! and congrats to YOU for hanging in there all those years!!! : )
    July 9, 2010 at 11:39pm

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