old blog

goodbye, hello.

ok, so the very next day after phil’s graduation was our moving day.  it was a whirlwind of a weekend, to say the least.  but now, the dust has settled and most of the boxes are unpacked or stored in the garage.  the rest just might end up staying where they are, since we’re only here for a year.  that’s been our mantra lately whenever we come across things we don’t like.  as in…

“it’s so smoggy.  and HOT.”
“it’s only for a year.  it’s only for a year.”

“the 50s wood paneling is not my favorite.”
“it’s only for a year.  it’s only for a year.”

“the red carpet is also not my favorite.”
“it’s only for a year.  it’s only for a year.”

“five sliding glass doors, really?”
“it’s only for a year.  it’s only for a year.”

“it’s rather…  chinese-y around here.”
“it’s only for a year.  it’s only for a year.”

you get the picture.  but life with phil the fellow has been so much nicer than life with phil the resident, so we really can’t complain.  here’s to a year of new adventures and seeing where the Lord leads!  if we survive the summer heat, that is.  : p

goodbye, old house.

hello, new house.  (so cute, right?!)

while it seems like the new house would be light and airy and the old house looks somewhat dungeon-like, looks can be deceiving.  the old house actually had quite a bit of really nice natural light inside whereas the new house is somewhat dark, especially in the kitchen/dining room.  but again, it’s only for a year and we’re making the best of it.  and there are some pretty cool redeeming factors about the new house, like…

a lemon tree!  (i LOVE that i don’t have to buy a lemon for a whole year and can just send mikey to the backyard whenever i need one.  it’s AWESOME.  and fresh-squeezed lemonade in the summer just can’t be beat!)

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  • Jenny

    oooh, the new house looks so cute! eat up those lemons since "it's only for a year" and save some for us too. ๐Ÿ™‚
    so happy for you as you enter into this new phase of your life with phil the fellow. hope good times continue to come your way!

  • stefjayc

    Phil the fellow…I like it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hey, your new house looks like our neighbor's house across the street! (Yours is just slightly bigger). Enjoy your year…it'll be done before you know it!

  • Kate Avedissian

    Lemon Bars
    1/3 Cup Butter
    1 Cup Sugar
    1 Cup all purpose flour
    2 Eggs
    2 Tbs All purpose flour
    2 tbs finely shredded Lemon peel
    3Tbs Lemon juice
    1/4 Baking powder
    Powdered Sugar for on top

    Beat butter with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add 1/4 cup of sugar. Beat until combined, beat in 1 cup of flour till crumbly. Press into the bottom of a 8x8x2 baking dish. Bake at 350 for 15-18 minutes or just till golden.
    Meanwhile (in the hall of justice…just kidding here) combine eggs, the remaining 3/4 Cup of sugar, 2 Tbs Flour, lemon peel, lemon juice and baking powder. Beat for 2 minutes or till combined. Pour over hot baked bottom layer.
    Bake it in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes or till lightly browned around the edges and center is set. Cool…sprinkle with sifted powdered sugar, cut into bars…my recipe claims to make 20 bars, but that never happens.

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