old blog

the fourth.

wow, i’m still way behind.  the fourth was over two weeks ago, but to me it feels like it was just yesterday.  the days are flying and i can’t seem to catch up on anything.  it’s driving me nuts.  and when i feel nutty, i’m kinda grouchy too.  my poor kids.  must be nicer to them tomorrow.  : /

but since i feel like the fourth of july was just yesterday, i’m gonna go ahead and post our pics from that evening while it’s oh-so-fresh in my mind.  ha ha.

my girls.  i was surprised that allie didn’t put up a fuss about having to wear jeans while lauren got to wear a skirt.  couldn’t find allie a jean skirt just then but thankfully it wasn’t an issue.

like with many things we tsais do, this little celebration was thrown together helter-skelter at the very last minute.  because four out of five of us were taking a very late nap and didn’t wake up til almost 7pm.  we ended up eating dinner on the rusty table in our backyard because phil was out there grilling, the sun was setting fast, i still wanted to take a family picture, and the kids were getting excited because neighbors all around us were setting off fireworks even before it got dark.  it’s um, an interesting neighborhood where fireworks are still legal.

i love that we get to see the sun set every evening from our backyard.  not that we do every night, but just having the option is nice.

this little boy was super excited about the random fireworks going off and the loud noises accompanying them.  he thought fireworks were set off with a gun and so got one too to shoot pretend fireworks.  this year, we decided to stay home and see if we could see any fireworks from our backyard rather than going out in our new area to try to find some.

and we lucked out and were treated to a nice show put on by the city.

the fireworks were rather far away and the girls were getting cold and grumpy and scared with all the loud booms in the dark.  so they retreated into the house with phil while mikey said he wanted to stay outside with me to (in his words) “keep me company.”

we stayed out there for the whole show, my boy and i.  he’s as big a fireworks fan as his mommy is.  i’m glad at least one of ’em is.

ultimately though, the mosquitoes were having a field day with my flip-flop wearing feet and so we finally gave in and went inside too.

but not before we caught the grand finale!  juuust kidding!  we went inside to find daddy and the girls watching the macy’s new york fireworks spectacular.  but mikey still insisted he had more fun being out there with me anyway.  i love that kid.

fun memories made, even though it was last-minute and all.  🙂

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  • Kate Avedissian

    that was probably much nicer than any of the Pismo shows we watched. LOL. We too enjoy at home shows, sometimes the neighbors illegal fireworks are much better than anything we can watch. And no traffic with crazy drivers.

  • joyceandnorm

    we told M we'd go see fireworks next yr, but really it's always sooo crowded where there are decent fireworks, and it is loud for the kiddos, and it's late and cold. we'll see. they do enjoy watching youtube fireworks shows. you guys got a nice show there, and i love that sunset too.

  • Janet :-)

    my girls are the same way – they hate fireworks with a passion! my older one actually cries and cries until we remove her from the noise. that's really cool that you get to see the sunset every night. looks like you guys live up on a very pretty hill!

  • Anonymous

    Jami Kim Lee- Oh my… I thought you were talking about a different kind of "fourth"… haha…
    July 20, 2010 at 10:42pm

    Michelle Tsai- Haha! I totally didn't even think of that til u noticed. Good one! But definitely not that kind of fourth!
    July 20, 2010 at 11:01pm

    Jami Kim Lee- haha… funny to look at this comment now… maybe i knew something you didn't… 😉
    September 1, 2010 at 10:23pm

    Michelle Tsai- Yes apparently you knew something I didn't! 🙂
    September 1, 2010 at 10:53pm

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