old blog


phil had a few days off before starting life as a fellow.  because most of those days had to be used for the move/cleaning/settling in, we didn’t get to do too much fun stuff.  i was starting to feel bad for the kids who have been troopers throughout the whole process and had to entertain themselves much of the time while i tried to unpack.

so, we took one day and whisked the kids off to legoland for some family fun.  turns out it’s not too far away from where we now live and so phil bought the 3-month pass so we can hopefully squeeze in another visit or two.  we haven’t gone there since lauren was 7 weeks old and were looking forward to going since the kids were bigger now and would be able to ride more things.

unfortunately, our peanut lauren still wasn’t tall enough for a lot of the rides.  and i still don’t get why she couldn’t ride the boats when they only go five miles an hour.

it’s so sad to be the youngest and smallest.  but thankfully, she didn’t seem to mind *too* much.

meanwhile, the older two got to ride twice, once with daddy and once with me.

but not to worry, we tried our best to make sure she still felt loved.

and entertained.

yet another ride lauren couldn’t go on.  now she was starting to mind a bit more.  but this time around, allie was big enough to ride and mikey was almost too big for this one.

but he was thrilled that he was finally old enough to ride the bigger cars and had a blast.  we let him go twice.

meanwhile, there was more waiting for these two.  but at least they had each other for company!

joy of joys, we finally found a ride with NO MINIMUM!  she was dying to finally get to ride something.

my little thrill-seeker loved whipping around the hairpin turns (ok, they weren’t really hairpin and we were really only going like two miles an hour).

all smiles on this train ride that was just her size.

until the ride came to an end, of course.  so we had to go on it two more times.  she would’ve stayed on it all day if we let her.

but we had to pull her away because we wanted to see the sights…  ooh…


then we hopped over to the aquarium part of the park.  my little shark embryo.

a rare and highly unusual species of fish.

twas a fun family day and so nice to get away for a little while from our current crazy life and enjoy some time together.  looking forward to going back again sometime soon!  maybe i can find some shoe lifts for lauren in the meantime…

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