old blog

now she’s two.

completely without my consent, my sweet tiny little infant newborn turned two last week.  and seemingly overnight, she’s done away with her babyness and sprouted arms and legs that dangle all over the place whenever i try to cuddle and rock her.  phil laughs whenever he sees me try to hold her in my arms as she yells and squirms to break free.  apparently we no longer have a baby in the house.  i will have to pause and ponder that thought at a later date.

in any case, we celebrated her second birthday in grand tsai style.  meaning, we went totally ghetto.

after phil got home from work, we took her out for a birthday dinner at…  souplantation!  hey, it may be ghetto, but it was right up her alley in that they have a lot of her favorite things to eat.  and being that this girl has always been a big eater in a peanut-sized body, it was kind of fitting.  and she was happy.  🙂

the next day (cuz we got home kinda late from dinner the night before and were all kind of tired), came the moment she’d been waiting for.  lauren has the last birthday of the year in our family and so has to endure four “happy birthday” songs and four blowing out of candles before she finally gets her turn.  needless to say, she’s been practicing blowing out all manner of pretend candles for months.  and finally, this oreo ice-cream cake was her big moment!

she jumped the gun a bit and blew the candles out as soon as daddy placed the cake in front of her.

so daddy re-lit them and we hurriedly sang to her while she eyed those two candles the entire time.

and then finally came time to blow out the candles!  with a little help from big brother.  which she didn’t notice or else would’ve loudly voiced her objection to any and all intruders.

one of the few times in life when you can have your cake and eat it too.  and how sweet it is. 

“how old are you, lauren?”  she can’t hold up two fingers on the same hand, so she improvises by holding up her two pointer fingers.

and this is what happens if you ask her one too many times.

happy birthday my not-so-little baby!  we are so blessed to have you in our family.  you bring us so much joy and laughter every day and we just couldn’t do without you!

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  • joyceandnorm

    happy happy birthday lauren!! love that pic of her just staring at the candles. oh the poor girl has to wait for everything huh? it goes by too too fast. at least i still have a baby, granted she'll be 2 before i know it! my kids (and me too!) need some little cousins to play with. i even dropped a hint in my matron of honor speech, as did everyone at my sister's bridal shower. =p anyhow, looks like your sweet girl had a grand time. she will always be the baby. =)

  • Anonymous

    Joanne Han- I can't believe she is already 2! Happy Birthday!!
    July 23, 2010 at 4:02pm

    Agatha Shim- AWWW, that baby stages went fast…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!….so sad but yet what a joyus occassion it is……….sigh~, Gracie turns 2 next month……MAKE TIME STOP, so we can enjoy our babies just a little longer….hope she gets lots of presents and fun!!!…
    July 23, 2010 at 4:21pm

    Evangeline Chung Kwon- Happy birthday!
    July 23, 2010 at 5:58pm

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