old blog

enter the dog.

once upon a time, i as a little girl asked for a dog.  a cocker spaniel to be exact.  my dad had wanted to get me one, but finances and circumstances just didn’t allow for it.  my parents got a divorce instead.  and my dad has always felt bad that he never got to give me the dog i wanted.  or so he said when he bought us this (with our prior agreement of course):

not a cocker spaniel, but my favorite dog in recent years.

meet daisy the dog.  mikey’s over the moon for her.  although he was initially disappointed that she wasn’t a boy dog because now, as he said, “our house is full of girls and only two boys!”

we have to keep a close eye on lauren when she’s near daisy.  the first day daisy came, lauren was all about holding her but is now a bit skittish around the puppy.  so she loves her from a afar but hasn’t held her since.  allie only pets her when someone is holding her and otherwise says, “keep an eye on the dog!” while she bolts in and out of the room when daisy’s out of her pen area.

phil says she’s thinks i’m her mom.  well, i am the one who feeds her and cleans up after her and bathes her and is potty training her…

she’s very tiny.  and looks like a wet rat after her bath.  the kids think that’s hilarious.

she is a welcome addition to the family though.  she’s very sweet and comes running to stay around my feet whenever she notices i’ve moved away from her.  it’s kinda fun being the favorite human.

although mikey is most definitely her favorite boy human.  he’s always very careful and gentle with her.

and so enters the dog.  cuz my life isn’t crazy enough as it is.  : p

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  • Janet :-)

    daisy is soooooo cute and teeny tiny! i (almost) want a dog too! i don't know how you take care of daisy when you have three kids. my kids beg for a dog sometimes but i have to put my foot down… not until they're a little older!

  • Kate Avedissian

    she is so sweet…love the one where she is resting on you. What kind of doggy is she??? So sweet of your dad to buy it for you. She looks much bigger when the little people(aka kiddies) are holding her. Congrats for the non-human addition to the Tsai family

  • Jenny

    she is such a cute dog! looks just like my dog except mine was a boy. even though he was technically my dog, we all knew that his favorite (as with all our other dogs)was always my mom since she really was the one who took care of him. congrats, you are now a mother of 4! 🙂

  • Lorie

    I can't believe how tiny Daisy is! What a cutie. Looks like she's fitting in perfectly with your family. I love how much Mikey has taken to her. That's your sweet, caring boy, huh? 🙂 Oh, and a side note…I can't believe how much Lauren looks like you now…WOW! I know I've seen that same small smile on your face before. 🙂

  • Judy

    is that a real dog or a stuffed animal???? that dog is so darn cute!!! i love love love the picture of the dog with lauren! priceless! i can't get over how cute that dog is! congrats!

  • Anonymous

    Brooke Fermin- Hi! It is a little odd to hear more from Phil than you! 🙂 But then again, you did get a dog! (You guys are crazy!) It is a cute little one though! I bet the kids love it. Glad Fellow Phil is around more. Fellow Dave is exactly the same as resident Dave… I think mine is broken? 🙂 Love you guys!
    July 15, 2010

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