old blog

houston, we have a problem.

oh mylanta.

quick answers:

  • no, we weren’t planning on having a fourth baby any time soon.  we were going to maybe adopt a few years down the line.  but obviously God had other plans for us.
  • yes, this came as a complete, total, unexpected surprise.  but still a happy surprise, nonetheless.  as phil said (and has said with each of our babies), “that’s cool.  really?  that’s cool.”
  • yes, we do know how babies are made.  but as they say, only abstinence is 100% effective.
  • yes, i have already tried all the natural methods to ease the nausea to no avail.  i’ve already thrown up.  thankfully i have an in-house doctor who’s already prescribed relief for me.
  • no, we don’t feel at all ready to handle this life curve.  but we are trusting in God who is more than ready to handle this for us.
  • and i’m just about 8 weeks along.  what a summer this has been.
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  • David and Brooke

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! πŸ™‚ No wonder the silence… Congrats you crazy two. Dave and I are just surprised at all that you find the time when you are both awake and without a pager attached… hee hee… Now you know our problem! I do recognize the Dollar store test though πŸ™‚ Yay more cutie Tsai babies! Feel better mama!

  • joyceandnorm

    Congrats! Oh, what a journey you have ahead!! 4 is fun. Having 3 siblings, I can guarantee it. The holidays will be great when they all grow up and have their own families. The morning sickness is one of the reasons we're leaning on not having anymore, but who knows… Keep us updated! What were the kids' reactions?

  • Nani

    wow!!! congrats!! I have been following your blog for a while and I need to take the time to comment more because I LOVE reading your posts (and of course the pictures.

  • Kate Avedissian

    ah that is why we haven't heard from you in a while, but that is such a sweet blessing. I sometimes (only when i read about your kids) do i ever regret not being able to have any more kids.
    I hope the morning sickness leaves quickly, but i always feel that means that the pregnancy is healthy.

  • Jenny

    i know it was a total shocker and you have plenty on your plate already, but seriously, what a blessing right? i am so happy for your growing family! πŸ™‚

  • Judy

    YAY!!! michelle, that must have been crazy seeing that test over and over again! i guess you'll have to blog less but oh what a great reason!

  • Lorie

    Yay! Congratulations! Adam just asked me the other day if you guys were expecting #4 and I said "not yet". Too funny…oh how wrong I was! Hope your sickness subsides soon and that you can enjoy the journey to meeting your new bundle. I'm so happy we'll get to see another cute little Tsai! πŸ™‚ Love ya & take care!

  • Michelle

    Thanks you guys for the well wishes and words of encouragement! We are definitely feeling blessed beyond what we deserve and I'm so thankful to be able to share the journey with my friends here.

    Brooke- glad I'm not the only one who can't see spending more than a buck for a stick you pee on! And has been our experience before, it only takes ONCE!

    Joyce- yes the idea of a big happy family is definitely appealing. But we haven't told the kids yet. Only because mikey keeps asking for a baby brother and I can't have him asking every single day if it's a boy before we can actually find out. It would surely drive me crazy.

    Nani- hello and welcome! Always fun to meet new friends here!

    Dominique- we're hoping for boy too for mikey and phils sake. Haha.

    Judy- I'm still hoping to blog the journey same as ever!

    Lorie- we're rooting for u guys next!

  • Jami

    hi michelle! first off, a huge CONGRATS is in order!!! i'm SOOOO happy for the tsai clan!! WOOHOO~!! when james told me, i was like "WHAAAATT??" πŸ™‚ can't wait to meet the new addition to the awesome family!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    let's hang out soon before the summer is over πŸ™‚

  • MillerMilleu

    INCREDIBLE NEWS! so is the acne outbreak from a while back before all this or did it mark the beginning????? AND you added a dog. I pray for your ability to handle chaos and that your body stays strong, unlike my body πŸ™ BUT you are a great deal younger, so youth and God's plan for you on your side. I believe you share a great joy in parenting and you seem to have awesome support from your family and friends. If you want to see another crazy, Godly family in action check out our blog which links to the argentina blog. BLESSINGS SWEET LADY.

  • Anonymous

    Laurie Sato Len- Congratulations! πŸ™‚
    August 19, 2010 at 3:22pm

    Kate Avedissian- very much like πŸ˜€
    August 19, 2010 at 3:44pm

    Stella Lee- congrats to you guys! welcome to the world of four kids! it is CRAZY just about all the time and my youngest ones go in and out of their car seats up to 4 times a day and never get a decent nap, but it's always a blessing. hope the sickness passes quickly….i can so sympathize with you!
    August 19, 2010 at 8:20pm

    Bruin Doms- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! i'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! i'm rootin' for a boy!!!
    August 19, 2010 at 8:40pm

    Lindsay Osborne- That is so fantastic! Great, great stuff. I'm intensely glad God is putting you guys in charge of another little one.
    August 20, 2010 at 1:13pm

    Judy Sunu Lee- WHAT????????? O MY GOSH!!! congratulations Michelle! what a wonderful surprise!
    August 20, 2010 at 1:15pm

    Sonia Joo- Ok- I'm SOOO late for this party! And I apologize sincerely, my dear Michelle! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on this special news! I know you prob don't feel so *special* right about now with being sick and all, but I will be praying for you, esp. & the whole family. Love you!
    September 3, 2010 at 1:05pm

  • Anonymous

    Wendy Lee- Congratulations Michelle!!! That is awesome news. I am so forgetful these days and I am not even pregnant. I cannot remember if I said congrats or not.
    September 7, 2010

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