old blog

her first day.

so today allie embarked on her new adventure in pre-kindergarten.  it was a big day and she was soooo excited to start her new school.  but between nausea (which never seems to get easier no matter how many times i do this) and trying to get all three up, dressed, fed, and out the door on time, i didn’t have too much time leftover to get sad about my middle baby going off to into the big wide world.  but i still had to make time for pictures of her big day!  🙂

all dressed and ready for pre-k!  her brand new light-up shoes were the icing on the cake.

once we got to her school, we found her cubby where she stowed away her water bottle and hung up her jacket.  she was pretty happy about having her very own cubby.  it’s all about the little things, you know.

next we got a quick picture with her new teacher, miss d.

all the other kids had congregated at the other side of the room where all the toys were, but allie was feeling a little too intimidated to join the big group.  so while she didn’t cry (there were a few criers in the room), she decided to stay off on her own where she spotted a princess book.  i wasn’t quite sure she was ready for me to leave yet, so i hovered just a bit.

meanwhile, i WAS quite sure this one was ready for me to leave her alone.  she blew me off as soon as we entered and made herself at home right away.  and yes, she is still in her pjs.  hey, we only get dressed on an as-needed basis.  : p

i was beginning to wonder how long i’d have to stay with allie.  she never said a word, but i knew she wasn’t ready for me to go just yet.  but then, thank goodness, she spotted a drawing center with a large stack of paper and lovely markers in every color and suddenly felt right at home.  she sat herself down and got right to work.

“it’s okay mommy, i’ll be just fine.”

and she was.  she had a great day and is looking forward to going back on friday!  aw, my big girl.  have i mentioned that i love this one?  cuz i do.  i really, really do.

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